diff --git a/installers/windows/Monero.iss b/installers/windows/Monero.iss
index 644d8f46..9fda42c4 100644
--- a/installers/windows/Monero.iss
+++ b/installers/windows/Monero.iss
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Source: "monero-daemon.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion;
; Monero blockchain utilities
Source: "bin\monero-blockchain-export.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "bin\monero-blockchain-import.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "bin\monero-blockchain-blackball.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "bin\monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "bin\monero-blockchain-usage.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "bin\monero-blockchain-import.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
diff --git a/pages/SharedRingDB.qml b/pages/SharedRingDB.qml
index 2fc11f3f..82d4fd96 100644
--- a/pages/SharedRingDB.qml
+++ b/pages/SharedRingDB.qml
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ Rectangle {
Layout.fillWidth: true
textFormat: Text.RichText
text: "" +
- qsTr("Blackballed outputs") + " " + qsTr("Help") + "" + translationManager.emptyString
+ qsTr("Outputs marked as spent") + " " + qsTr("Help") + "" + translationManager.emptyString
onLinkActivated: {
- sharedRingDBDialog.title = qsTr("Blackballed outputs") + translationManager.emptyString;
+ sharedRingDBDialog.title = qsTr("Outputs marked as spent") + translationManager.emptyString;
sharedRingDBDialog.text = qsTr(
"In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able " +
"to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection " +
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Rectangle {
"transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, " +
"and you can import this list here. " +
"Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself " +
- "using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs. "
+ "using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs. "
sharedRingDBDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Information
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Rectangle {
FileDialog {
id: loadBlackballFileDialog
- title: qsTr("Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from") + translationManager.emptyString;
+ title: qsTr("Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent") + translationManager.emptyString;
folder: "file://"
nameFilters: [ "*"]
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Rectangle {
fontSize: mainLayout.lineEditFontSize
placeholderText: qsTr("Path to file") + "..." + translationManager.emptyString
labelFontSize: 14 * scaleRatio
- labelText: qsTr("Filename with outputs to blackball") + ":" + translationManager.emptyString
+ labelText: qsTr("Filename with outputs to mark as spent") + ":" + translationManager.emptyString
copyButton: true
readOnly: false
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ Rectangle {
id: blackballOutputAmountLine
fontSize: mainLayout.lineEditFontSize
labelFontSize: 14 * scaleRatio
- labelText: qsTr("Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:") + translationManager.emptyString
+ labelText: qsTr("Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:") + translationManager.emptyString
placeholderText: qsTr("Paste output amount") + "..." + translationManager.emptyString
readOnly: false
width: mainLayout.editWidth / 2
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Rectangle {
StandardButton {
id: blackballButton
- text: qsTr("Blackball") + translationManager.emptyString
+ text: qsTr("Mark as spent") + translationManager.emptyString
small: true
enabled: !!appWindow.currentWallet && validUnsigned(blackballOutputAmountLine.text) && validUnsigned(blackballOutputOffsetLine.text)
onClicked: appWindow.currentWallet.blackballOutput(blackballOutputAmountLine.text, blackballOutputOffsetLine.text)
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ Rectangle {
StandardButton {
id: unblackballButton
anchors.right: parent.right
- text: qsTr("Unblackball") + translationManager.emptyString
+ text: qsTr("Mark as unspent") + translationManager.emptyString
small: true
enabled: !!appWindow.currentWallet && validUnsigned(blackballOutputAmountLine.text) && validUnsigned(blackballOutputOffsetLine.text)
onClicked: appWindow.currentWallet.unblackballOutput(blackballOutputAmountLine.text, blackballOutputOffsetLine.text)
diff --git a/translations/monero-core.ts b/translations/monero-core.ts
index ecdde557..b2d2c4c1 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core.ts
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spent
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent:
@@ -1391,12 +1391,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spent
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspent
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_ar.ts b/translations/monero-core_ar.ts
index 61743895..1f98aceb 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_ar.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_ar.ts
@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentالمخرجات المرفوضه
@@ -1344,10 +1344,10 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>لحجب اي المدخلات يتم انفاقها في معامله مونيرو يجب الا يتمكن طرف تالت من معرفه اي من المدخلات في المعامله تم انفاقها. القدره علي فعل ذلك تضعف الحمايه التي توفرها توقيعات الطوق.اذا إذا كانت جميع المدخلات ماعدا واحدة قد تم إنفاقها بالفعل ، فإن المدخلات التي يتم إنفاقها بالفعل تصبح ظاهرة ، وبالتالي تبطل أثر توقيعات الطوق وهي واحده من التلات طبقات الرئيسيه لحمايه الخصوصيه التي يوفرها مونيرو.
لمساعده المعاملات علي تجنب تلك المدخلات يمكن استخدام قائمة بالأشكال المستنفذة المعروفة لتجنب استخدامها في معاملات جديدة. يتم الاحتفاظ بمثل هذه القائمة من خلال مشروع مونيرو وهو متاح على موقع getmonero.org ويمكنك استيراد هذه القائمه هنا.
-أيضاً يمكنك فحص سلسله الكتل بنفسك ( وسلسله الكتل التي تعيد استخدام مفاتيح مونيرو) بنفسك بإستخدام أداه monero-blockchain-blackball لإنشاء قائمة بالمخرجات المستنفذة المعروفة.
+أيضاً يمكنك فحص سلسله الكتل بنفسك ( وسلسله الكتل التي تعيد استخدام مفاتيح مونيرو) بنفسك بإستخدام أداه monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs لإنشاء قائمة بالمخرجات المستنفذة المعروفة.
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentمن فضلك اختر ملف لتحميل المخرجات المرفوضه منه
@@ -1371,7 +1371,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentاسم الملف الذي يحتوي علي المخرجات المرفوضه
@@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:او اضافه مخرج مرفوض يدويا:
@@ -1401,12 +1401,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentرفض
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentالغاء الرفض
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_bg.ts b/translations/monero-core_bg.ts
index 8cfab409..3a2ca975 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_bg.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_bg.ts
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spent
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- За да може да скрие кои входящи заявки в една транзакция на Монеро са похарчени, трети лица не бива да могат да разберат кои входящи заявки са вече похарчени. Ако могат, това би отслабило защитата на пръстеновите подписи. Ако се знае че са похарчени за всички освен една от входящите заявки, тогава реалната заявка става видима. По този начин се премахва ефекта от пръстеновите подписи - една от трите основни степени на защита на сигурността личните данни на Монеро. .<br>За да спомогнат на транзакциите да избягват такива входящи заявки, може да се ползва списък с известни заявки за да се избегне използването им в нови заявки. Такъв списък се поддържа от проектът Монеро и е достъпен на сайтът getmonero.org и можете да го внесете от тук. .<br>А можете и да сканирате блокчейна (и блокчейна на използващите повторно ключове на клонинги на Монеро) лично, използвайки инструментът монеро-блокчейн-blackball за да създадете списък със известни похарчени заявки.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ За да може да скрие кои входящи заявки в една транзакция на Монеро са похарчени, трети лица не бива да могат да разберат кои входящи заявки са вече похарчени. Ако могат, това би отслабило защитата на пръстеновите подписи. Ако се знае че са похарчени за всички освен една от входящите заявки, тогава реалната заявка става видима. По този начин се премахва ефекта от пръстеновите подписи - една от трите основни степени на защита на сигурността личните данни на Монеро. .<br>За да спомогнат на транзакциите да избягват такива входящи заявки, може да се ползва списък с известни заявки за да се избегне използването им в нови заявки. Такъв списък се поддържа от проектът Монеро и е достъпен на сайтът getmonero.org и можете да го внесете от тук. .<br>А можете и да сканирате блокчейна (и блокчейна на използващите повторно ключове на клонинги на Монеро) лично, използвайки инструментът монеро-блокчейн-mark-spent-outputs за да създадете списък със известни похарчени заявки.<br>
@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark spentМоля изберете файл, от който да заредите blackball заявките
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentИме на файла с изходящи заявки към blackball
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Или ръчно blackball/unblackball единична заявка:
@@ -1402,12 +1402,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spent
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspent
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_cat.ts b/translations/monero-core_cat.ts
index 3fd18337..7f6b8a03 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_cat.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_cat.ts
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spent
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:
@@ -1391,12 +1391,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spent
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspent
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_cs.ts b/translations/monero-core_cs.ts
index d9dfb8c6..a3b5466c 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_cs.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_cs.ts
@@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ Starý soubor s cache pamětí bude přejmenován a může být následně obnov
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentBlackball výstupy
@@ -1332,17 +1332,17 @@ Starý soubor s cache pamětí bude přejmenován a může být následně obnov
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Abychom skryli, který konkrétní vstup bude v Monero transakci utracen, neměla by třetí strana být schopna říci, které z vstupů do kruhového podpisu jsou již známy jako utracené. Pokud by toto možné bylo, oslabilo by to ochranu poskytovanou tzv. kruhovým podpisem. Je-li známo, že všechny vstupy kromě jednoho jsou již utracené, pak pozbývá smyslu s takovými vstupy vytvářet kruhový podpis, což je jedna z tří hlavních vrstev ochrany soukromí, které Monero používá.<br>Vyhnout se použití těchto soukromí oslabujících vstupů při vytváření transakce lze poskytnutím seznamu vstupů jejichž plná privátnost není zaručena. Tento seznam udržuje projekt Monero a je dostupný na webových stránkách getmonero.org a můžete jej importovat zde. <br> Alternativně můžete sami skenovat blockchain pomocí nástroje monero-blockchain-blackball pro vytvoření seznamu známých vyčerpaných výstupů.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Abychom skryli, který konkrétní vstup bude v Monero transakci utracen, neměla by třetí strana být schopna říci, které z vstupů do kruhového podpisu jsou již známy jako utracené. Pokud by toto možné bylo, oslabilo by to ochranu poskytovanou tzv. kruhovým podpisem. Je-li známo, že všechny vstupy kromě jednoho jsou již utracené, pak pozbývá smyslu s takovými vstupy vytvářet kruhový podpis, což je jedna z tří hlavních vrstev ochrany soukromí, které Monero používá.<br>Vyhnout se použití těchto soukromí oslabujících vstupů při vytváření transakce lze poskytnutím seznamu vstupů jejichž plná privátnost není zaručena. Tento seznam udržuje projekt Monero a je dostupný na webových stránkách getmonero.org a můžete jej importovat zde. <br> Alternativně můžete sami skenovat blockchain pomocí nástroje monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs pro vytvoření seznamu známých vyčerpaných výstupů.<br>
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentProsím, vyberte soubor se seznamem tzv. "blackball" výstupů
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentNázev souboru s blackball výstupy
@@ -1352,12 +1352,12 @@ Starý soubor s cache pamětí bude přejmenován a může být následně obnov
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentPřidat do blackball
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentOdebrat z blackball
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ Starý soubor s cache pamětí bude přejmenován a může být následně obnov
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Nebo manuálně zařaďte nebo odeberte konkrétní vstup, či výstup z blackball seznamu:
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_da.ts b/translations/monero-core_da.ts
index 92bd5672..4048dc89 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_da.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_da.ts
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentBlacklistet outputs
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- For at skjule hvilke inputs i en Monero transaktion bliver brugt, så skal en tredje part ikke kunne sige hvilke inputs i en ring allerede er kendt for at blive brugt. Hvis en kan det ville det svække beskyttelsen der er fra ring signature. Hvis alle undtagen en af inputne er kendt for alle at være brugt, så bliver den ene input der faktisk bliver brugt synlig, og derved fjerner alt beskyttelse fra ring signature, som er et af de tre beskyttende lag Monero bruger.<br>For at hjælpe transaktioner med at undgå disse inputs, kan en liste af kendte brugte inputs blive brugt for at undgå at bruge dem i nye transaktioner. Sådan en liste bliver vedligeholdt af Monero projektet og er tilgængelig på getmonero.org hjemmesiden, og du kan importere denne liste her.<br>Alternativt kan du scanne blockchainen (og blockchainen fra de Monero kloner der genbruger nøglerne) selv ved brug af monero-blockchain-blackball værktøjet for at oprette en liste over kendte brugte outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-as-spent tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ For at skjule hvilke inputs i en Monero transaktion bliver brugt, så skal en tredje part ikke kunne sige hvilke inputs i en ring allerede er kendt for at blive brugt. Hvis en kan det ville det svække beskyttelsen der er fra ring signature. Hvis alle undtagen en af inputne er kendt for alle at være brugt, så bliver den ene input der faktisk bliver brugt synlig, og derved fjerner alt beskyttelse fra ring signature, som er et af de tre beskyttende lag Monero bruger.<br>For at hjælpe transaktioner med at undgå disse inputs, kan en liste af kendte brugte inputs blive brugt for at undgå at bruge dem i nye transaktioner. Sådan en liste bliver vedligeholdt af Monero projektet og er tilgængelig på getmonero.org hjemmesiden, og du kan importere denne liste her.<br>Alternativt kan du scanne blockchainen (og blockchainen fra de Monero kloner der genbruger nøglerne) selv ved brug af monero-blockchain-mark-as-spent værktøjet for at oprette en liste over kendte brugte outputs.<br>
@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentVælg venligst en fil til at loade blacklistede outputs fra
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentFilnavn med outputs der skal blacklistes
@@ -1382,17 +1382,17 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Eller manuelt fjern/tilføj et blacklistet enkelt output:
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentBlacklist
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentWhitelist
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_de.ts b/translations/monero-core_de.ts
index 595e8a47..3df6f8e6 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_de.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_de.ts
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ Die alte Wallet-Cache-Datei wird umbenannt und kann später wiederhergestellt we
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentUnzulässige Verschleierungspartner
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@ Die alte Wallet-Cache-Datei wird umbenannt und kann später wiederhergestellt we
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Um zu verschleiern, welche Inputs in einer Monero-Transaktion ausgegeben werden, sollte ein Dritter nicht erkennen können, welche Inputs in einem Ring bereits bekannt sind. Dies würde den Schutz durch Ringsignaturen schwächen. Wenn alle bis auf einen der Inputs bereits ausgegeben sind, wird der tatsächlich ausgegebene Input sichtbar, wodurch die Wirkung von Ringsignaturen - eine der drei Hauptebenen der Privatsphäre, die Monero verwendet - zunichte gemacht wird. Um diese Inputs zu vermeiden, kann eine Liste bekannter Ausgaben verwendet werden, um die Verwendung in neuen Transaktionen zu vermeiden. Eine solche Liste wird vom Monero-Projekt verwaltet und ist auf der Website getmonero.org verfügbar, und Sie können diese Liste hier importieren.<br>Alternativ kannst du die Blockchain (und die Blockchain der Monero-Klone) selbst mit dem Monero-Blockchain-Blackball-Tool scannen, um eine Liste der bekannten Outputs zu erstellen.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Um zu verschleiern, welche Inputs in einer Monero-Transaktion ausgegeben werden, sollte ein Dritter nicht erkennen können, welche Inputs in einem Ring bereits bekannt sind. Dies würde den Schutz durch Ringsignaturen schwächen. Wenn alle bis auf einen der Inputs bereits ausgegeben sind, wird der tatsächlich ausgegebene Input sichtbar, wodurch die Wirkung von Ringsignaturen - eine der drei Hauptebenen der Privatsphäre, die Monero verwendet - zunichte gemacht wird. Um diese Inputs zu vermeiden, kann eine Liste bekannter Ausgaben verwendet werden, um die Verwendung in neuen Transaktionen zu vermeiden. Eine solche Liste wird vom Monero-Projekt verwaltet und ist auf der Website getmonero.org verfügbar, und Sie können diese Liste hier importieren.<br>Alternativ kannst du die Blockchain (und die Blockchain der Monero-Klone) selbst mit dem Monero-Blockchain-mark-spent-outputs-Tool scannen, um eine Liste der bekannten Outputs zu erstellen.<br>
@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ Die alte Wallet-Cache-Datei wird umbenannt und kann später wiederhergestellt we
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentBitte wähle eine Datei um unzulässige Verschleierungspartner zu laden
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ Die alte Wallet-Cache-Datei wird umbenannt und kann später wiederhergestellt we
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spent/unspentDatei mit Verschleierungspartnern, die nicht zugelassen werden sollen
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ Die alte Wallet-Cache-Datei wird umbenannt und kann später wiederhergestellt we
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Oder manuell einen einzelnen Verschleierungspartner zulassen/ausschließen (Blackballen):
@@ -1397,12 +1397,12 @@ Die alte Wallet-Cache-Datei wird umbenannt und kann später wiederhergestellt we
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentBlackballen
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentBlackball aufheben
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_eo.ts b/translations/monero-core_eo.ts
index 63c490a3..0acb7872 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_eo.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_eo.ts
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentMalakceptitaj eligoj
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentBonvolu elekti dosieron el kie ŝargiĝos la malakceptitaj eligoj
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentDosiernomo kun malakceptendaj eligoj
@@ -1366,17 +1366,17 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Aŭ mane rifuzi/akcepti eligon:
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentMalakcepti
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentReakcepti
@@ -1387,7 +1387,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_es.ts b/translations/monero-core_es.ts
index 1955a27d..93345718 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_es.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_es.ts
@@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ El archivo de caché anterior del monedero será renombrado y puede ser posterio
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentFound another translation. I leave it in the comments for others to take a look, "blackballed=vetado".Salidas excluidas
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ El archivo de caché anterior del monedero será renombrado y puede ser posterio
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>Para poder ofuscar qué entradas han sido gastadas en las transacciones de Monero, un tercero no debería poder determinar de las firmas circulares cuales han sido gastadas en esas entradas. Hacerlo debilitaría la protección que proporcionan las firmas. Si solo una de las entradas pudiera ser determinada en el gasto, entonces esa entrada se vuelve evidente, anulando el efecto de las firmas. Las firmas circulares son una de las capas principales que usa Monero para proteger la privacidad.<br>Para evitar que las transacciones usen estas entradas, puede ser usada una lista de entradas gastadas para evitar usarlas en nuevas transacciones. Esa lista es mantenida por el proyecto Monero y está disponible en la página web getmonero.org y la puedes importar desde aquí.<br>De lo contrario, puede escanear la cadena de bloques (y las cadenas de bloques de los clones de Monero que reusan las claves) usted mismo usando la herramienta de Monero de salidas excluidas para crear una lista conocida de las salidas gastadas.<br>
@@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ El archivo de caché anterior del monedero será renombrado y puede ser posterio
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentSeleccionar un archivo desde donde cargar las salidas excluidas
@@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ El archivo de caché anterior del monedero será renombrado y puede ser posterio
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentArchivo con las salidas a excluir
@@ -1392,7 +1392,7 @@ El archivo de caché anterior del monedero será renombrado y puede ser posterio
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:O excluir/descartar manualmente una salida individual:
@@ -1407,12 +1407,12 @@ El archivo de caché anterior del monedero será renombrado y puede ser posterio
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentExcluir
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentDescartar
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_fi.ts b/translations/monero-core_fi.ts
index 3150a4f1..0c342b2e 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_fi.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_fi.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ Vanha lompakkovälimuistitiedosto nimetään uudelleen ja voidaan palauttaa myö
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentBlackballed-lähdöt
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ Vanha lompakkovälimuistitiedosto nimetään uudelleen ja voidaan palauttaa myö
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Lähtöjen peittämiseksi Monero-siirroissa kolmannen osapuolen ei tulisi pystyä määrittämään mitkä tulot renkaassa ovat tiedetysti kulutetut. Mikäli määritys onnistuu, heikentäisi se rengasallekirjoitusten tarjoaman suojan. Jos kaikki paitsi yksi tulo tiedetään kulutetun, tosiasiassa kulutettu tulo paljastuu, jonka seurauksena renkaalla ei ole enää merkitystä, koska rengas on yksi kolmesta yksityisyydensuojan tasosta jota Monero käyttää.<br>Siirtoja voi helpottaa välttämään näitä tuloja, listaa tiedetyistä kulutetuista voidaan käyttää jotta vältetään niiden käyttö uusissa siirroissa. Tälläistä listaa ylläpitää Monero-projekti ja se on saatavilla getmonero.org -sivulla, josta sen voi hakea.<br>Vaihtoehtoisesti voit skannata lohkoketjun (ja avaimia uudelleenkäyttäviä Monero-klooneja) itse käyttäen monero-blockchain-blackball työkalua luodaksesi listan tiedetyistä kulutetuista lähdöistä.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Lähtöjen peittämiseksi Monero-siirroissa kolmannen osapuolen ei tulisi pystyä määrittämään mitkä tulot renkaassa ovat tiedetysti kulutetut. Mikäli määritys onnistuu, heikentäisi se rengasallekirjoitusten tarjoaman suojan. Jos kaikki paitsi yksi tulo tiedetään kulutetun, tosiasiassa kulutettu tulo paljastuu, jonka seurauksena renkaalla ei ole enää merkitystä, koska rengas on yksi kolmesta yksityisyydensuojan tasosta jota Monero käyttää.<br>Siirtoja voi helpottaa välttämään näitä tuloja, listaa tiedetyistä kulutetuista voidaan käyttää jotta vältetään niiden käyttö uusissa siirroissa. Tälläistä listaa ylläpitää Monero-projekti ja se on saatavilla getmonero.org -sivulla, josta sen voi hakea.<br>Vaihtoehtoisesti voit skannata lohkoketjun (ja avaimia uudelleenkäyttäviä Monero-klooneja) itse käyttäen monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs työkalua luodaksesi listan tiedetyistä kulutetuista lähdöistä.<br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ Vanha lompakkovälimuistitiedosto nimetään uudelleen ja voidaan palauttaa myö
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentValitse tiedosto josta blackballed-lähdöt ladataan
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ Vanha lompakkovälimuistitiedosto nimetään uudelleen ja voidaan palauttaa myö
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentTiedoston nimi jossa lähdöt
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ Vanha lompakkovälimuistitiedosto nimetään uudelleen ja voidaan palauttaa myö
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Tai manuaalisesti blackball/unblackball yhdessä lähdössä:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ Vanha lompakkovälimuistitiedosto nimetään uudelleen ja voidaan palauttaa myö
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentBlackball
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentUnblackball
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_fr.ts b/translations/monero-core_fr.ts
index dfd50704..abccfdc5 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_fr.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_fr.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ L'ancien fichier du cache du portefeuille sera renommé et pourra être res
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentSorties Blackboulées
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ L'ancien fichier du cache du portefeuille sera renommé et pourra être res
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Afin de masquer quelles entrées d'une transaction monero sont dépensées, un tiers ne doit pas pouvoir dire quelles entrées d'un cercle ont déjà été dépensées. En être capable affaiblirait la protection apportée par les signatures de cercle. Si toutes les entrées sauf une sont des dépenses connues, alors l'entrée en cours de dépense devient visible, annulant ainsi les effets des signatures de cercle, l'un des trois piliers de la protection de la confidentialité utilisés pas Monero.<br>Pour permettre aux transactions d'éviter ces entrées, une liste de celles qui sont connues peut être utilisée afin d'éviter de les employer dans de nouvelles transactions. Une telle liste est maintenue par le projet Monero et est disponible sur le site getmonero.org. Vous pouvez importer cette liste ici.<br>Sinon, vous pouvez scanner la chaîne de blocs (et la chaîne de blocs des clones de Monero réutilisant les clefs) vous même en utilisant l'outil monero-blockchain-blackball pour créer une liste de sorties dépensées connue.
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Afin de masquer quelles entrées d'une transaction monero sont dépensées, un tiers ne doit pas pouvoir dire quelles entrées d'un cercle ont déjà été dépensées. En être capable affaiblirait la protection apportée par les signatures de cercle. Si toutes les entrées sauf une sont des dépenses connues, alors l'entrée en cours de dépense devient visible, annulant ainsi les effets des signatures de cercle, l'un des trois piliers de la protection de la confidentialité utilisés pas Monero.<br>Pour permettre aux transactions d'éviter ces entrées, une liste de celles qui sont connues peut être utilisée afin d'éviter de les employer dans de nouvelles transactions. Une telle liste est maintenue par le projet Monero et est disponible sur le site getmonero.org. Vous pouvez importer cette liste ici.<br>Sinon, vous pouvez scanner la chaîne de blocs (et la chaîne de blocs des clones de Monero réutilisant les clefs) vous même en utilisant l'outil monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs pour créer une liste de sorties dépensées connue.
@@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ L'ancien fichier du cache du portefeuille sera renommé et pourra être res
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentChoissisez un fichier pour charger les sorties blackboulées
@@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@ L'ancien fichier du cache du portefeuille sera renommé et pourra être res
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentNom du fichier avec les sorties à blackbouler
@@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ L'ancien fichier du cache du portefeuille sera renommé et pourra être res
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Ou blackbouler/déblackbouler une seule sortie manuellement:
@@ -1399,12 +1399,12 @@ L'ancien fichier du cache du portefeuille sera renommé et pourra être res
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentBlackbouler
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentdéblackbouler
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_he.ts b/translations/monero-core_he.ts
index 3f93c773..68a4bfc6 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_he.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_he.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spent
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spent
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspent
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_hi.ts b/translations/monero-core_hi.ts
index 87d29be7..e33bac90 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_hi.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_hi.ts
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spent
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:
@@ -1391,12 +1391,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spent
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspent
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_hr.ts b/translations/monero-core_hr.ts
index 7be80655..0e746097 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_hr.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_hr.ts
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentBlackball izlazi
@@ -1336,8 +1336,8 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Kako bi se zamaskirali ulazi koji se koriste u Monero transakciji, vanjski promatrač nebi smio odgonetnuti koji ulazi su iskorišteni u prstenu. U protivnom bi zaštita, koju nude potpisi prstenja, bila ugrožena. Ako su svi osim jednog ulaza vec bili iskorišteni otprije moguće je doznati koji je ulaz pravi, a to poništava zaštitu potpisa prstenja, odnosno jednu od tri glavne razine Monero zaštite privatnosti.<br>Kako bi pomogli transakcijama zaobići takve ulaze, može se korisiti popis poznatih potrošenih ulaza. Takav popis vodi Monero projekt i može se nabaviti na getmonero.org web stranici, te ga onda uvesti ovdje.<br>U protivnom, može se očitati lanac blokova (te lanac blokova drugih Monero klonova koji koriste iste Monero ključeve) i napraviti popis poznatih potrošenih izlaza koristeći monero-blockchain-blackball alat.>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Kako bi se zamaskirali ulazi koji se koriste u Monero transakciji, vanjski promatrač nebi smio odgonetnuti koji ulazi su iskorišteni u prstenu. U protivnom bi zaštita, koju nude potpisi prstenja, bila ugrožena. Ako su svi osim jednog ulaza vec bili iskorišteni otprije moguće je doznati koji je ulaz pravi, a to poništava zaštitu potpisa prstenja, odnosno jednu od tri glavne razine Monero zaštite privatnosti.<br>Kako bi pomogli transakcijama zaobići takve ulaze, može se korisiti popis poznatih potrošenih ulaza. Takav popis vodi Monero projekt i može se nabaviti na getmonero.org web stranici, te ga onda uvesti ovdje.<br>U protivnom, može se očitati lanac blokova (te lanac blokova drugih Monero klonova koji koriste iste Monero ključeve) i napraviti popis poznatih potrošenih izlaza koristeći monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs alat.>
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentOdaberite datoteku za učitavanje Blackball izlaza od
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentNaziv datoteke sa blackball izlazima
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Ili ručno primjeni/ukloni blackball sa jednog izlaza:
@@ -1391,12 +1391,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentPrimjeni Blackball
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentUkloni Blackball
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_hu.ts b/translations/monero-core_hu.ts
index 5a99b0fc..8c8b7b4b 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_hu.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_hu.ts
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ A régi gyorsítótár fájlja át lesz nevezve és bármikor visszaállítható
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentKizárt tranzakció bemenetek
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@ A régi gyorsítótár fájlja át lesz nevezve és bármikor visszaállítható
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Ahhoz, hogy a gyűrű aláírások anonimak maradjanak, ki kell zárni az olyan tranzakció bemeneteket amiket egy másik (Monero-klón) blokkláncon már felhasználtak. Ha ez nem történik meg, esetleg egy rosszindulatú harmadik fél nagyobb eséllyel megtippelheti, hogy melyik a valódi tranzakció bemenet. Ez gyengítheti a Monero anonimitásának háromszintű vedelmét. Ahhoz, hogy ezeket a bemeneteket kizárd a tranzakcióidból, a getmonero.org fenntart egy folyamatosan frissített listát róluk, amit letöltés után itt tudsz importálni. Másik lehetőséged a blokklánc átvizsgálása a monero-blockchain-blackball programmal és egy lista készítése.
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Ahhoz, hogy a gyűrű aláírások anonimak maradjanak, ki kell zárni az olyan tranzakció bemeneteket amiket egy másik (Monero-klón) blokkláncon már felhasználtak. Ha ez nem történik meg, esetleg egy rosszindulatú harmadik fél nagyobb eséllyel megtippelheti, hogy melyik a valódi tranzakció bemenet. Ez gyengítheti a Monero anonimitásának háromszintű vedelmét. Ahhoz, hogy ezeket a bemeneteket kizárd a tranzakcióidból, a getmonero.org fenntart egy folyamatosan frissített listát róluk, amit letöltés után itt tudsz importálni. Másik lehetőséged a blokklánc átvizsgálása a monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs programmal és egy lista készítése.
@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ A régi gyorsítótár fájlja át lesz nevezve és bármikor visszaállítható
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentVálaszd ki a fájlt amelyik a listát tartalmazza
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ A régi gyorsítótár fájlja át lesz nevezve és bármikor visszaállítható
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentFájl neve ami a kizárt bemeneteket tartalmazza
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ A régi gyorsítótár fájlja át lesz nevezve és bármikor visszaállítható
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Bemenet hozzáadása/eltávolítása sajátkezűleg:
@@ -1397,12 +1397,12 @@ A régi gyorsítótár fájlja át lesz nevezve és bármikor visszaállítható
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentKizárás
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentEngedélyezés
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_id.ts b/translations/monero-core_id.ts
index 0f19d445..03e33e8e 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_id.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_id.ts
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spent
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:
@@ -1391,12 +1391,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spent
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspent
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_it.ts b/translations/monero-core_it.ts
index 61f1c0b8..c8a891e5 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_it.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_it.ts
@@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentOutput con blackball applicato
@@ -1345,8 +1345,8 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Al fine di oscurare gli input che vengono spesi in una transazione Monero, non deve essere consentito ad un osservatore di individuare in un anello gli input che sono già stati spesi. Essere in grado di fare questo significa indebolire la protezione offerta dalle firme ad anello. Se si fosse a conoscenza del fatto che tutti gli input tranne uno sono già stati spesi, l'input che viene veramente speso sarebbe palese, annullando di fatto l'effetto delle firme ad anello, uno dei tre principali strati di protezione della privacy utilizzati da Monero.<br>Per fare in modo che le transazioni escludano tali input, si può ricorrere ad una lista di input di cui è già nota l'avvenuta spesa ed il cui uso può essere evitato in una nuova transazione. Questa lista viene manutenuta dal Progetto Monero ed è disponibile sul sito getmonero.org; puoi importare la lista qui.<br>Alternativamente, puoi effettuare tu stesso/a una scansione della blockchain (e della blockchain dei cloni di Monero che riusano le chiavi) mediante lo strumento monero-blockchain-blackball per creare una lista di output già spesi.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Al fine di oscurare gli input che vengono spesi in una transazione Monero, non deve essere consentito ad un osservatore di individuare in un anello gli input che sono già stati spesi. Essere in grado di fare questo significa indebolire la protezione offerta dalle firme ad anello. Se si fosse a conoscenza del fatto che tutti gli input tranne uno sono già stati spesi, l'input che viene veramente speso sarebbe palese, annullando di fatto l'effetto delle firme ad anello, uno dei tre principali strati di protezione della privacy utilizzati da Monero.<br>Per fare in modo che le transazioni escludano tali input, si può ricorrere ad una lista di input di cui è già nota l'avvenuta spesa ed il cui uso può essere evitato in una nuova transazione. Questa lista viene manutenuta dal Progetto Monero ed è disponibile sul sito getmonero.org; puoi importare la lista qui.<br>Alternativamente, puoi effettuare tu stesso/a una scansione della blockchain (e della blockchain dei cloni di Monero che riusano le chiavi) mediante lo strumento monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs per creare una lista di output già spesi.<br>
@@ -1360,7 +1360,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentSeleziona un file da cui caricare output con blackball applicata
@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentNome del file con output su cui applicare blackball
@@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:O applica/rimuovi blackball ad un output singolo:
@@ -1400,12 +1400,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentApplica blackball
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentRimuovi blackball
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_ja.ts b/translations/monero-core_ja.ts
index 4c394bd0..47f4c4e3 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_ja.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_ja.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spent排除されたアウトプット
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- 第三者がリング内に既知の使用済みインプットを見つけられないことは、Moneroトランザクションのどのインプットが使用されたのかを隠すために必要です。もし見つけられるとリング署名による保護は弱まります。もし1つのインプットを除いてすべてが使用済みだと知られている場合、実際に使用されたインプットは明らかとなり、Moneroが使っている3つの主要なプライバシー保護レイヤーのうちの1つであるリング署名の効果が失われてしまいます。<br>トランザクションでそれらのインプットを避けるため、既知の使用済みインプットのリストを用いてそれらを新規のトランザクションで使用しないようにできます。このようなリストはMoneroプロジェクトによって保守されgetmonero.orgのウェブサイトで公開されており、ここではこのリストをインポートすることができます。<br>あるいはmonero-blockchain-blackballというツールを使い、Moneroのブロックチェーン(およびキーを再利用するMoneroクローンのブロックチェン)を自分でスキャンして既知の使用済みアウトプットのリストを生成できます。<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ 第三者がリング内に既知の使用済みインプットを見つけられないことは、Moneroトランザクションのどのインプットが使用されたのかを隠すために必要です。もし見つけられるとリング署名による保護は弱まります。もし1つのインプットを除いてすべてが使用済みだと知られている場合、実際に使用されたインプットは明らかとなり、Moneroが使っている3つの主要なプライバシー保護レイヤーのうちの1つであるリング署名の効果が失われてしまいます。<br>トランザクションでそれらのインプットを避けるため、既知の使用済みインプットのリストを用いてそれらを新規のトランザクションで使用しないようにできます。このようなリストはMoneroプロジェクトによって保守されgetmonero.orgのウェブサイトで公開されており、ここではこのリストをインポートすることができます。<br>あるいはmonero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputsというツールを使い、Moneroのブロックチェーン(およびキーを再利用するMoneroクローンのブロックチェン)を自分でスキャンして既知の使用済みアウトプットのリストを生成できます。<br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent排除するアウトプットをロードするファイルを選んでください
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spent排除するアウトプットを含むファイル名
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:手動でアウトプットを排除/元に戻す:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spent排除
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspent元に戻す
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_ko.ts b/translations/monero-core_ko.ts
index 9e9ad91f..8613e80c 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_ko.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_ko.ts
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spent
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:
@@ -1391,12 +1391,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spent
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspent
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_lt.ts b/translations/monero-core_lt.ts
index 66efb1da..677140d2 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_lt.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_lt.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ Sena piniginės talpyklos rinkmena bus pervadinta ir vėliau galės būti atstat
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentAtmestos išvestys
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ Sena piniginės talpyklos rinkmena bus pervadinta ir vėliau galės būti atstat
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ Sena piniginės talpyklos rinkmena bus pervadinta ir vėliau galės būti atstat
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ Sena piniginės talpyklos rinkmena bus pervadinta ir vėliau galės būti atstat
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentRinkmena su išvestimis kurias norite atmesti
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ Sena piniginės talpyklos rinkmena bus pervadinta ir vėliau galės būti atstat
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ Sena piniginės talpyklos rinkmena bus pervadinta ir vėliau galės būti atstat
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentAtmesti
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentAtšaukti atmetimą
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_nl.ts b/translations/monero-core_nl.ts
index 758359a5..06fdbffb 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_nl.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_nl.ts
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ De naam van het oude cachebestand wordt gewijzigd, zodat het later kan worden he
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentUitgesloten outputs
@@ -1354,9 +1354,9 @@ De naam van het oude cachebestand wordt gewijzigd, zodat het later kan worden he
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>Nobody who is stupid enough to use MoneroV will be smart enough to understand this.
- Om te verbergen welke inputs in een Monero-transactie worden uitgegeven, moet een derde niet kunnen zien welke inputs in een ring al zijn uitgegeven. Daardoor zou de privacybescherming van ring-handtekeningen worden verzwakt. Als alle inputs op één na al zijn uitgegeven, is zichtbaar welke input echt wordt uitgegeven. Dan hebben ring-handtekeningen, een van de drie beschermingslagen van Monero, geen effect meer.<br>Met een lijst met bekende uitgegeven inputs kunt u voorkomen dat u ze in nieuwe transacties gebruikt. Deze lijst wordt onderhouden door het Monero-project en is beschikbaar op de website getmonero.org. U kunt de lijst hier importeren.<br>Maar u kunt ook zelf de blockchain doorzoeken (en van Monero gekopieerde blockchains waarop sleutels worden hergebruikt) met de tool monero-blockchain-blackball, om een lijst met bekende uitgegeven outputs te genereren.<br>
+ Om te verbergen welke inputs in een Monero-transactie worden uitgegeven, moet een derde niet kunnen zien welke inputs in een ring al zijn uitgegeven. Daardoor zou de privacybescherming van ring-handtekeningen worden verzwakt. Als alle inputs op één na al zijn uitgegeven, is zichtbaar welke input echt wordt uitgegeven. Dan hebben ring-handtekeningen, een van de drie beschermingslagen van Monero, geen effect meer.<br>Met een lijst met bekende uitgegeven inputs kunt u voorkomen dat u ze in nieuwe transacties gebruikt. Deze lijst wordt onderhouden door het Monero-project en is beschikbaar op de website getmonero.org. U kunt de lijst hier importeren.<br>Maar u kunt ook zelf de blockchain doorzoeken (en van Monero gekopieerde blockchains waarop sleutels worden hergebruikt) met de tool monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs, om een lijst met bekende uitgegeven outputs te genereren.<br>
@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ De naam van het oude cachebestand wordt gewijzigd, zodat het later kan worden he
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentSelecteer een bestand waaruit u uitgesloten outputs wilt laden
@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ De naam van het oude cachebestand wordt gewijzigd, zodat het later kan worden he
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentNaam van bestand met uit te sluiten outputs
@@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ De naam van het oude cachebestand wordt gewijzigd, zodat het later kan worden he
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Of sluit één output handmatig uit of neem deze op:
@@ -1410,12 +1410,12 @@ De naam van het oude cachebestand wordt gewijzigd, zodat het later kan worden he
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentUitsluiten
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentOpnemen
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_pl.ts b/translations/monero-core_pl.ts
index bec02579..b820e3e2 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_pl.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_pl.ts
@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ Poprzednia pamięć podręczna portfela zostanie zapisana pod inną nazwą i mo
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentZablokowane wyjścia
@@ -1344,8 +1344,8 @@ Poprzednia pamięć podręczna portfela zostanie zapisana pod inną nazwą i mo
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- W celu ukrycia, które wejścia w transakcji Monero są wydawane, osoba postronna nie powinna być w stanie stwierdzić, które wejścia w pierścieniu już zostały wydane. Gdyby była w stanie to zrobić, osłabiłoby to ochronę zapewnioną przez podpisy pierścieniowe. Jeśli wiadomo, że wszystkie wejścia poza jednym zostały wydane, to staje się oczywiste, które wejście faktycznie jest wydawane, a to niweczy efekt podpisów pierścieniowych - jednych z trzech głównych warstw ochrony prywatności używanych przez Monero.<br>Aby pomóc transakcjom unikać tych wejść, lista już wydanych wejść może być użyta do pominięcia ich w nowych transakcjach. Takowa lista jest zarządzana przez projekt Monero i jest dostępna na stronie getmonero.org, skąd można ją tutaj pobrać.<br>Ewentualnie, możesz przeskanować blockchain (oraz blockchain klona Monero, który wykorzystuje ponownie klucze) samemu używając narzędzia monero-blockchain-blackball do utworzenia listy wydanych wyjść.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ W celu ukrycia, które wejścia w transakcji Monero są wydawane, osoba postronna nie powinna być w stanie stwierdzić, które wejścia w pierścieniu już zostały wydane. Gdyby była w stanie to zrobić, osłabiłoby to ochronę zapewnioną przez podpisy pierścieniowe. Jeśli wiadomo, że wszystkie wejścia poza jednym zostały wydane, to staje się oczywiste, które wejście faktycznie jest wydawane, a to niweczy efekt podpisów pierścieniowych - jednych z trzech głównych warstw ochrony prywatności używanych przez Monero.<br>Aby pomóc transakcjom unikać tych wejść, lista już wydanych wejść może być użyta do pominięcia ich w nowych transakcjach. Takowa lista jest zarządzana przez projekt Monero i jest dostępna na stronie getmonero.org, skąd można ją tutaj pobrać.<br>Ewentualnie, możesz przeskanować blockchain (oraz blockchain klona Monero, który wykorzystuje ponownie klucze) samemu używając narzędzia monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs do utworzenia listy wydanych wyjść.<br>
@@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ Poprzednia pamięć podręczna portfela zostanie zapisana pod inną nazwą i mo
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentWybierz plik, z którego załadować zablokowane wyjścia
@@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@ Poprzednia pamięć podręczna portfela zostanie zapisana pod inną nazwą i mo
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentNazwa pliku z wyjściami do zablokowania
@@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ Poprzednia pamięć podręczna portfela zostanie zapisana pod inną nazwą i mo
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Lub ręcznie zablokuj/odblokuj pojedyncze wyjście:
@@ -1399,12 +1399,12 @@ Poprzednia pamięć podręczna portfela zostanie zapisana pod inną nazwą i mo
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentZablokuj
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentOdblokuj
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_prt.ts b/translations/monero-core_prt.ts
index a719b5f9..9c4766c3 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_prt.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_prt.ts
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentBlackball'd outputs!
@@ -1336,8 +1336,8 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- In ord'r to be obscurin' which inputs in a XM-ARGHHH transact'on are bein' spent, a third party shant be abl' to dig'st which inputs in thee ring argh already be known to be spent. Bein' abl' to do so would be weakenin' thee protect'on afford'd by ring signat'res. If all but one o' thee inputs are known to be already spent, then thee input bein' actually spent becomes appar'nt, thereby nullifyin' thee effect o' thee ring signat'res, one o' thee three main lay'rs o' privacy protecti'n XM-ARGHHH uses.<br>To help ye transactions to be avoidin' those inputs, a list o' known spent ones can be us'd to avoid usin' them in new transact'ons. Such a list be maintain'd by thee Monero project and be availabl' on thee getmonero.org website, and ye can be importin' t'is list 'ere.<br>Alternativ'ly, ye can be scannin' thee blockchain (and thee blockchain o' the key-reusin' Monero clones) yaself usin' thee monero-blockchain-blackball tool an be creatin' a list o' known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In ord'r to be obscurin' which inputs in a XM-ARGHHH transact'on are bein' spent, a third party shant be abl' to dig'st which inputs in thee ring argh already be known to be spent. Bein' abl' to do so would be weakenin' thee protect'on afford'd by ring signat'res. If all but one o' thee inputs are known to be already spent, then thee input bein' actually spent becomes appar'nt, thereby nullifyin' thee effect o' thee ring signat'res, one o' thee three main lay'rs o' privacy protecti'n XM-ARGHHH uses.<br>To help ye transactions to be avoidin' those inputs, a list o' known spent ones can be us'd to avoid usin' them in new transact'ons. Such a list be maintain'd by thee Monero project and be availabl' on thee getmonero.org website, and ye can be importin' t'is list 'ere.<br>Alternativ'ly, ye can be scannin' thee blockchain (and thee blockchain o' the key-reusin' Monero clones) yaself usin' thee monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool an be creatin' a list o' known spent outputs.<br>
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentYe best be choosin' a file to load blackball'd outputs from!
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spent/unspentFilename wit' outputs to thee blackb'll
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Or manual'y blackb'll/unblackball a single output:
@@ -1391,12 +1391,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentBlackball!
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentUnblackball!
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_pt-br.ts b/translations/monero-core_pt-br.ts
index 07ebffe4..7879ef6e 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_pt-br.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_pt-br.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ O arquivo de cache da carteira antiga será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado p
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentSaídas banidas
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ O arquivo de cache da carteira antiga será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado p
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Para ocultar quais entradas estão sendo gastas numa transação em Monero, um terceiro não deve ser capaz de saber quais entradas num anel já foram gastas. Se ele for capaz, a proteção fornecida pelas assinaturas em anel é enfraquecida. Se todas as entradas forem identificadas como gastas, salvo uma, então a verdadeira entrada fica aparente, anulando o efeito das assinaturas em anel, que é uma das três principais camadas de proteção a privacidade que o Monero usa.<br>Para ajudar que as transações evitem essas entradas, uma lista de entradas já gastas pode ser usada para evitar de adicioná-las em novas transações. Tal lista é mantida pelo projeto Monero e está disponível no website getmonero.org. Você pode importar essa lista aqui.<br>Como alternativa, você pode escanear o blockchain (e dos clones do Monero que reutilizam as chaves) usando a ferramenta monero-blockchain-blackball para criar uma lista de entradas já gastas.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Para ocultar quais entradas estão sendo gastas numa transação em Monero, um terceiro não deve ser capaz de saber quais entradas num anel já foram gastas. Se ele for capaz, a proteção fornecida pelas assinaturas em anel é enfraquecida. Se todas as entradas forem identificadas como gastas, salvo uma, então a verdadeira entrada fica aparente, anulando o efeito das assinaturas em anel, que é uma das três principais camadas de proteção a privacidade que o Monero usa.<br>Para ajudar que as transações evitem essas entradas, uma lista de entradas já gastas pode ser usada para evitar de adicioná-las em novas transações. Tal lista é mantida pelo projeto Monero e está disponível no website getmonero.org. Você pode importar essa lista aqui.<br>Como alternativa, você pode escanear o blockchain (e dos clones do Monero que reutilizam as chaves) usando a ferramenta monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs para criar uma lista de entradas já gastas.<br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ O arquivo de cache da carteira antiga será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado p
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentEscolha o arquivo para carregar as saídas banidas
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ O arquivo de cache da carteira antiga será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado p
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentNome do arquivo com as saídas para banir
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ O arquivo de cache da carteira antiga será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado p
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Banir ou desbanir manualmente uma única saída:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ O arquivo de cache da carteira antiga será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado p
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentBanir
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentDesbanir
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_pt-pt.ts b/translations/monero-core_pt-pt.ts
index 14da94ff..0055cb27 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_pt-pt.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_pt-pt.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ O ficheiro de cache antigo será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado mais tarde.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentTransações em lista negra
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ O ficheiro de cache antigo será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado mais tarde.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- De forma a esconder qual é a verdadeira transação que está a ser gasta, Monero utiliza varias transacções selecionadas automaticamente na mesma transação, uma terceira pessoa não deve conseguir distinguir qual é a transação verdadeira das falsas. Caso o consiga fazer irá enfraquecer a a protecção dada pelas ring signatures. Se todas as transacções excepto uma forem conhecidas por já terem sido gastas, então torna-se evidente qual é a transação que está a ser gasta e a utilização de ring signatures fica sem efeito, sendo as ring signatures uma das 3 camadas que permite a protecção de privacidade em Monero.<br>Para ajudar a evitar essas transacções, é-lhe fornecida uma lista com transacções já conhecidas como gastas e assim pode evitar usa-las numa nova transação. Esta lista é mantida pelo Monero Project e está disponivel no site oficinal getmonero.org, e pode importar essa lista para aqui.<br>Em alternativa, pode utilizar a ferramenta monero-blockchain-blackball e criar essa mesma lista de transacções conhecidas como gastas.
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ De forma a esconder qual é a verdadeira transação que está a ser gasta, Monero utiliza varias transacções selecionadas automaticamente na mesma transação, uma terceira pessoa não deve conseguir distinguir qual é a transação verdadeira das falsas. Caso o consiga fazer irá enfraquecer a a protecção dada pelas ring signatures. Se todas as transacções excepto uma forem conhecidas por já terem sido gastas, então torna-se evidente qual é a transação que está a ser gasta e a utilização de ring signatures fica sem efeito, sendo as ring signatures uma das 3 camadas que permite a protecção de privacidade em Monero.<br>Para ajudar a evitar essas transacções, é-lhe fornecida uma lista com transacções já conhecidas como gastas e assim pode evitar usa-las numa nova transação. Esta lista é mantida pelo Monero Project e está disponivel no site oficinal getmonero.org, e pode importar essa lista para aqui.<br>Em alternativa, pode utilizar a ferramenta monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs e criar essa mesma lista de transacções conhecidas como gastas.
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ O ficheiro de cache antigo será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado mais tarde.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentPor favor escolha um ficheiro para carregar uma lista negra de endereços
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ O ficheiro de cache antigo será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado mais tarde.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentNome do ficheiro com lista negra de endereços
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ O ficheiro de cache antigo será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado mais tarde.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Ou manualmente adicionar/remover da lista negra um único endereço:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ O ficheiro de cache antigo será renomeado e poderá ser restaurado mais tarde.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentAdicionar Blackball
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentRemover Blackball
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_ro.ts b/translations/monero-core_ro.ts
index 484023f1..b0d54c7d 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_ro.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_ro.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ Vechiul fișier cache va fi redenumit și va putea fi restaurat mai tâziu.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentRezultate respinse
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ Vechiul fișier cache va fi redenumit și va putea fi restaurat mai tâziu.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Pentru a ascunde ce inputuri sunt folosite intr-o tranzacție Monero, o terță parte nu ar trebui să știe ce inputuri într-un inel au fost deja folosite. Dacă ar putea să facă asta, ar slăbi protecția semnăturilor de inel. Dacă toate inputurile cu excepția unuia sunt deja știute să fie folosite, atunci inputul ce va fi folosit devine vizibil, anulând efectul semnăturilor de inel, unul dintre cele trei straturi principale de protecție a confidențialității ce este folosit de Monero.<br>Pentru a ajuta tranzacțiile să evite aceste inputuri, o listă a acestora ce sunt conuscute poate fi folosită pentru a evita utilizarea lor in noi tranzacții. O asemenea lista este întreținută de proiectul Monero și este disponibila la adresa getmonero.org, și puteți importa această lista aici.<br>Sau, puteți scana blockchain (și blockchain al clonelor Monero) inșivă folosind unealta monero-blockchain-blackball pentru a crea o listă de rezultate cunoscute folosite.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Pentru a ascunde ce inputuri sunt folosite intr-o tranzacție Monero, o terță parte nu ar trebui să știe ce inputuri într-un inel au fost deja folosite. Dacă ar putea să facă asta, ar slăbi protecția semnăturilor de inel. Dacă toate inputurile cu excepția unuia sunt deja știute să fie folosite, atunci inputul ce va fi folosit devine vizibil, anulând efectul semnăturilor de inel, unul dintre cele trei straturi principale de protecție a confidențialității ce este folosit de Monero.<br>Pentru a ajuta tranzacțiile să evite aceste inputuri, o listă a acestora ce sunt conuscute poate fi folosită pentru a evita utilizarea lor in noi tranzacții. O asemenea lista este întreținută de proiectul Monero și este disponibila la adresa getmonero.org, și puteți importa această lista aici.<br>Sau, puteți scana blockchain (și blockchain al clonelor Monero) inșivă folosind unealta monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs pentru a crea o listă de rezultate cunoscute folosite.<br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ Vechiul fișier cache va fi redenumit și va putea fi restaurat mai tâziu.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentVă rog alegeți un fișier pentru a incărca outputuri blackballed
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ Vechiul fișier cache va fi redenumit și va putea fi restaurat mai tâziu.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentNumele fișierului cu outputuri blackball
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ Vechiul fișier cache va fi redenumit și va putea fi restaurat mai tâziu.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Sau marcați un output de tip blackball/unblackball:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ Vechiul fișier cache va fi redenumit și va putea fi restaurat mai tâziu.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentBlackball
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentUnblackball
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_ru.ts b/translations/monero-core_ru.ts
index 39d3aa7c..4b82abbd 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_ru.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_ru.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentЗаблокированные выходы
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Для того чтобы скрыть какие входы в транзакциях Monero потрачены, третья сторона не должна сообщать какие входы в кольце уже задействованы в трате. Ведь если это сделать, то это ослабит защиту, обеспечиваемую кольцевыми подписями. Если известно, что все, кроме одного из входов, уже потрачены, то фактически трата входа становится очевидной, тем самым аннулируется эффект кольцевых подписей, одного из трех основных уровней защиты конфиденциальности Monero.<br>Чтобы помочь транзакциям избежать траты этих входов, можно использовать список известных израсходованных входов, чтобы избежать их использования в новых транзакциях. Такой список поддерживается проектом Monero и доступен на веб-сайте getmonero.org, и вы можете импортировать этот список здесь.<br>Кроме того, вы можете просканировать блокчейн (и блокчейны клонов Monero) самостоятельно, используя инструмент monero-blockchain-blackball, чтобы создать список известных потраченых входов.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Для того чтобы скрыть какие входы в транзакциях Monero потрачены, третья сторона не должна сообщать какие входы в кольце уже задействованы в трате. Ведь если это сделать, то это ослабит защиту, обеспечиваемую кольцевыми подписями. Если известно, что все, кроме одного из входов, уже потрачены, то фактически трата входа становится очевидной, тем самым аннулируется эффект кольцевых подписей, одного из трех основных уровней защиты конфиденциальности Monero.<br>Чтобы помочь транзакциям избежать траты этих входов, можно использовать список известных израсходованных входов, чтобы избежать их использования в новых транзакциях. Такой список поддерживается проектом Monero и доступен на веб-сайте getmonero.org, и вы можете импортировать этот список здесь.<br>Кроме того, вы можете просканировать блокчейн (и блокчейны клонов Monero) самостоятельно, используя инструмент monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs, чтобы создать список известных потраченых входов.<br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentПожалуйста, выберете файл для загрузки списка заблокированных выходов
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentВыберите файл с блокируемыми выходами
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unpent:Или вручную заблокируйте/разблокируйте выход:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentЗаблокировать
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentРазблокировать
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_sk.ts b/translations/monero-core_sk.ts
index 7190fca4..b0a709e1 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_sk.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_sk.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ Súbor starej cache bude premenovaný a môže byť obnovený neskôr.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentZakalené výstupy
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ Súbor starej cache bude premenovaný a môže byť obnovený neskôr.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Aby bolo možné skryť, ktoré vstupy v Monero transakcii sa vynakladajú, tretia strana by nemala vedieť, ktoré vstupy v okruhu sú už známe. Možnosť tak urobiť by oslabila ochranu poskytovanú okruhovými podpismi. Ak je už známe, že všetky vstupy sú už vynaložené, tak aktuálne vynakladaný vstup sa jasne identifikuje, čím sa zruší účinok okuhových podpisov, čo je jedna z troch hlavných vrstiev ochrany súkromia, ktoré Monero používa.<br>Pomôcť transakciám vyhnúť sa týmto vstupom môžete použiť zoznam známych vstupov, aby ste sa vyhli ich použitiu v nových transakciách. Takýto zoznam si udržiava projekt Monero a je k dispozícii na webovej stránke getmonero.org a tu môžete tento zoznam importovať.<br>Alternatívne môžete prehliadať blockchain (a blockchain Monero klonov, ktoré tiež používajú Monero kľúče) sami pomocou nástroja monero-blockchain-blackball a vytvoriť zoznam známych vynaložených výstupov. <br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Aby bolo možné skryť, ktoré vstupy v Monero transakcii sa vynakladajú, tretia strana by nemala vedieť, ktoré vstupy v okruhu sú už známe. Možnosť tak urobiť by oslabila ochranu poskytovanú okruhovými podpismi. Ak je už známe, že všetky vstupy sú už vynaložené, tak aktuálne vynakladaný vstup sa jasne identifikuje, čím sa zruší účinok okuhových podpisov, čo je jedna z troch hlavných vrstiev ochrany súkromia, ktoré Monero používa.<br>Pomôcť transakciám vyhnúť sa týmto vstupom môžete použiť zoznam známych vstupov, aby ste sa vyhli ich použitiu v nových transakciách. Takýto zoznam si udržiava projekt Monero a je k dispozícii na webovej stránke getmonero.org a tu môžete tento zoznam importovať.<br>Alternatívne môžete prehliadať blockchain (a blockchain Monero klonov, ktoré tiež používajú Monero kľúče) sami pomocou nástroja monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs a vytvoriť zoznam známych vynaložených výstupov. <br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ Súbor starej cache bude premenovaný a môže byť obnovený neskôr.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentProsím vyberte súbor, z ktorého chcete načítať odmietnuté výstupy
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ Súbor starej cache bude premenovaný a môže byť obnovený neskôr.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentNázov súboru s výstupmi na odmietnutie
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ Súbor starej cache bude premenovaný a môže byť obnovený neskôr.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Alebo ručne odmietnite/povoľte jeden výstup:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ Súbor starej cache bude premenovaný a môže byť obnovený neskôr.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentOdmietnuť
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentPovoliť
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_sl.ts b/translations/monero-core_sl.ts
index 137fed03..e160bf55 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_sl.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_sl.ts
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ Stara datoteka predpomnilnika denarnice bo preimenovana in se jo lahko obnovi po
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spent
@@ -1342,9 +1342,9 @@ Stara datoteka predpomnilnika denarnice bo preimenovana in se jo lahko obnovi po
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>Da lahko v Monero transakciji zakrijete kateri inputi so plačani, tretja oseba ne sme vedeti, kateri inputi v obroču so že plačani. To bi zmanjšalo varnost, ki jo zagotavljajo obročni podpisi. Če je znano, da so vsi inputi razen enega izplačani, potem je zadnji input, ki se ga izplačuje očiten. S tem so obročni podpisi, eden izmed treh stebrov varne zasebnosti Monera, neefektivni.
- Da se transakcije izognejo takšnim inputom, se uporablja lista znano že zapravljenih inputov, ki se jih ne uporablja v novih transakcijah. Takšno listo ureja Monero projekt in je dobavljiva na getmonero.org. To listo lahko uvoziš tukaj.<br> Alternativno lahko sam preiščeš blockchain (vključno z Monero kloni, ki si delijo ključe) z uporabo orodja monero-blockchain-blackball, ki ustvari listo znanih, že zapravljenih outputov.<br>
+ Da se transakcije izognejo takšnim inputom, se uporablja lista znano že zapravljenih inputov, ki se jih ne uporablja v novih transakcijah. Takšno listo ureja Monero projekt in je dobavljiva na getmonero.org. To listo lahko uvoziš tukaj.<br> Alternativno lahko sam preiščeš blockchain (vključno z Monero kloni, ki si delijo ključe) z uporabo orodja monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs, ki ustvari listo znanih, že zapravljenih outputov.<br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ Stara datoteka predpomnilnika denarnice bo preimenovana in se jo lahko obnovi po
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs mark as spent/unspentIzberi datoteko z blackball outputi iz
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ Stara datoteka predpomnilnika denarnice bo preimenovana in se jo lahko obnovi po
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentDatoteka z blackball outputi
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ Stara datoteka predpomnilnika denarnice bo preimenovana in se jo lahko obnovi po
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Ali pa ročno določite posamezen output kot blackball:
@@ -1403,12 +1403,12 @@ Stara datoteka predpomnilnika denarnice bo preimenovana in se jo lahko obnovi po
- Blackball
+ Mark as spent
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspent
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_sr.ts b/translations/monero-core_sr.ts
index 42ce8816..54cfee2f 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_sr.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_sr.ts
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ Stari fajl keša novčanika će biti preimenovan i može se povratiti kasnije.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentOdbačeni izlazi
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@ Stari fajl keša novčanika će biti preimenovan i može se povratiti kasnije.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Da bi bilo nejasnije koji ulazi u Monero transakciji se troše, treća strana ne treba da bude u mogućnosti da zaključi koji ulazi u prstenu su već poznati kao potrošeni. To bi oslabilo zaštitu priuštenu prsten potpisima. Ako za sve osim jednog ulaza je poznato da su potrošeni, onda ulaz koji biva potrošen postaje očigledan, time poništavajući dejstvo prsten potpisa, koji čine jedan od tri glavna sloja privatnosti koje Monero koristi.<br>Da bi pomogli da se izbegnu takvi ulazi, lista poznatih potrošenih ulaza se može koristiti kako se ne bi koristili u novim transakcijama. Takva lista se održava od strane Monero projekta i dostupna na getmonero.org veb sajtu, i možete je uneti tu listu ovde.<br>Alternatnivno, možete skenirati blokčejn (i blokčejn Menoro klonova koji koriste iste ključeve) samostalno korišćenjem monero-blockchain-blackball alatke da napravite listu izlaza za koje je poznato da su potrošeni.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Da bi bilo nejasnije koji ulazi u Monero transakciji se troše, treća strana ne treba da bude u mogućnosti da zaključi koji ulazi u prstenu su već poznati kao potrošeni. To bi oslabilo zaštitu priuštenu prsten potpisima. Ako za sve osim jednog ulaza je poznato da su potrošeni, onda ulaz koji biva potrošen postaje očigledan, time poništavajući dejstvo prsten potpisa, koji čine jedan od tri glavna sloja privatnosti koje Monero koristi.<br>Da bi pomogli da se izbegnu takvi ulazi, lista poznatih potrošenih ulaza se može koristiti kako se ne bi koristili u novim transakcijama. Takva lista se održava od strane Monero projekta i dostupna na getmonero.org veb sajtu, i možete je uneti tu listu ovde.<br>Alternatnivno, možete skenirati blokčejn (i blokčejn Menoro klonova koji koriste iste ključeve) samostalno korišćenjem monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs alatke da napravite listu izlaza za koje je poznato da su potrošeni.<br>
@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ Stari fajl keša novčanika će biti preimenovan i može se povratiti kasnije.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentIzaberite datoteku sa koje će se učitati izlazi za odbacivanje
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ Stari fajl keša novčanika će biti preimenovan i može se povratiti kasnije.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentIme fajla sa izlazima za odbacivanje
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ Stari fajl keša novčanika će biti preimenovan i može se povratiti kasnije.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Ili ručno odbacite/ne odbacite jedan izlaz:
@@ -1397,12 +1397,12 @@ Stari fajl keša novčanika će biti preimenovan i može se povratiti kasnije.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentOdbaci
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentNe odbaci
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_sv.ts b/translations/monero-core_sv.ts
index 66ae7a80..e1403653 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_sv.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_sv.ts
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ Den gamla plånbokens cache-fil kommer att ändra namn och kan återställas sen
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentSvartlistade utgångar
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@ Den gamla plånbokens cache-fil kommer att ändra namn och kan återställas sen
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- För att dölja vilja ingångar som spenderas i en viss Monero-transaktion får en tredje part inte kunna avgöra vilka ingångar i en ring som med säkerhet redan har spenderats. Om det var möjligt skulle skyddet som ges av ringsignaturer försvagas. Om alla utom en av ingångarna med säkerhet redan har spenderats så blir det uppenbart vilken ingång som faktiskt spenderas. Då upphävs effekten av ringsignaturer, vilket är ett av de tre huvudsakliga lager av sekretesskydd som Monero använder.<br>För att hjälpa transaktioner att undvika dessa ingångar kan en lista över med säkerhet spenderade utgångar användas för att undvika att dessa används i nya transaktioner. Monero-projektet upprätthåller en sådan lista och den finns tillgänglig på webbplatsen getmonero.org. Du kan importera listan här.<br>Alternativt kan du själv skanna blockkedjan (och blockkedjan för Monero-kloner som återanvänder nycklar) genom att använda verktyget monero-blockchain-blackball för att skapa en lista över med säkerhet spenderade utgångar.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ För att dölja vilja ingångar som spenderas i en viss Monero-transaktion får en tredje part inte kunna avgöra vilka ingångar i en ring som med säkerhet redan har spenderats. Om det var möjligt skulle skyddet som ges av ringsignaturer försvagas. Om alla utom en av ingångarna med säkerhet redan har spenderats så blir det uppenbart vilken ingång som faktiskt spenderas. Då upphävs effekten av ringsignaturer, vilket är ett av de tre huvudsakliga lager av sekretesskydd som Monero använder.<br>För att hjälpa transaktioner att undvika dessa ingångar kan en lista över med säkerhet spenderade utgångar användas för att undvika att dessa används i nya transaktioner. Monero-projektet upprätthåller en sådan lista och den finns tillgänglig på webbplatsen getmonero.org. Du kan importera listan här.<br>Alternativt kan du själv skanna blockkedjan (och blockkedjan för Monero-kloner som återanvänder nycklar) genom att använda verktyget monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs för att skapa en lista över med säkerhet spenderade utgångar.<br>
@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ Den gamla plånbokens cache-fil kommer att ändra namn och kan återställas sen
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentVälj en fil som svartlistade utgångar ska läsas in från
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ Den gamla plånbokens cache-fil kommer att ändra namn och kan återställas sen
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentFilnamn med utgångar som ska svartlistas
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ Den gamla plånbokens cache-fil kommer att ändra namn och kan återställas sen
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent:Eller svartlista/av-svartlista en enda utgång manuellt:
@@ -1397,12 +1397,12 @@ Den gamla plånbokens cache-fil kommer att ändra namn och kan återställas sen
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentSvartlista
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentAv-svartlista
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_tr.ts b/translations/monero-core_tr.ts
index 900096b8..f313cfa5 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_tr.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_tr.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ Aşağıdaki bilgiler silinecek
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentOy birliği ile atılmış çıktılar
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ Aşağıdaki bilgiler silinecek
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Monero işleminde hangi girdilerin harcanacağını gizlemek için, üçüncü bir taraf, bir halkada hangi girdilerin zaten harcanmış olduğunu söyleyememelidir. Bunu yapabilmek, halka imzaların sağladığı korumayı zayıflatabilir. Girişlerden birinin dışında kalanın zaten harcanmış olduğu biliniyorsa, o zaman harcanan girdi görünür hale gelir ve böylece Monero kullanımının gizlilik korumasının üç ana katmanından biri olan halka imzaların etkisini ortadan kaldırır.<br> İşlemlerin bu girdilerden kaçınmasına yardım etmek için, harcandığı bilinen girdilerin bir listesi yeni işlemlerde kullanmaktan kaçınmak için kullanılabilir. Böyle bir liste Monero projesi tarafından korunur ve getmonero.org web sitesinde mevcuttur ve bu listeyi buradan içe aktarabilirsiniz.<br> Alternatif olarak, bilinen harcanan çıktıların bir listesini oluşturmak için monero-blockchain-blackball aracını kullanarak block zincirini (ve anahtarı tekrar kullanan Monero klonlarının blok zincirini), kendiniz de tarayabilirsiniz.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Monero işleminde hangi girdilerin harcanacağını gizlemek için, üçüncü bir taraf, bir halkada hangi girdilerin zaten harcanmış olduğunu söyleyememelidir. Bunu yapabilmek, halka imzaların sağladığı korumayı zayıflatabilir. Girişlerden birinin dışında kalanın zaten harcanmış olduğu biliniyorsa, o zaman harcanan girdi görünür hale gelir ve böylece Monero kullanımının gizlilik korumasının üç ana katmanından biri olan halka imzaların etkisini ortadan kaldırır.<br> İşlemlerin bu girdilerden kaçınmasına yardım etmek için, harcandığı bilinen girdilerin bir listesi yeni işlemlerde kullanmaktan kaçınmak için kullanılabilir. Böyle bir liste Monero projesi tarafından korunur ve getmonero.org web sitesinde mevcuttur ve bu listeyi buradan içe aktarabilirsiniz.<br> Alternatif olarak, bilinen harcanan çıktıların bir listesini oluşturmak için monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs aracını kullanarak block zincirini (ve anahtarı tekrar kullanan Monero klonlarının blok zincirini), kendiniz de tarayabilirsiniz.<br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ Aşağıdaki bilgiler silinecek
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentLütfen oybirliği ile atılmış çıktıları yüklemek için bir dosya seçin
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ Aşağıdaki bilgiler silinecek
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentLütfen oybirliği ile atılmış çıktıların olduğu dosya adı
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ Aşağıdaki bilgiler silinecek
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Veya bir çıktıyı manuel olarak oybirliği ile atın veya alın:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ Aşağıdaki bilgiler silinecek
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentOybirliği ile atma (Blackball)
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentOybirliği ile geri alma (Unblackball)
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_uk.ts b/translations/monero-core_uk.ts
index 9803ee6f..51ee092f 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_uk.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_uk.ts
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentЗаблоковані виходи
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- Для того щоб приховати які входи в транзакціях Monero були витрачені, третя сторона не повинна повідомляти які входи в кільці вже задіяні в витраті. Адже якщо це зробити, то це послабить захист, який забезпечується кільцевими підписами. Якщо відомо, що всі, крім одного з входів, вже витрачені, то фактично трата входу стає очевидною, тим самим анулюється ефект кільцевих підписів, одного з трьох основних рівнів захисту конфіденційності Monero.<br>Щоб допомогти транзакціям уникнути витрати цих входів, можна використовувати список відомих витрачених входів, щоб уникнути їх використання в нових транзакціях. Такий список підтримується проектом Monero і доступний на веб-сайті getmonero.org, і ви можете імпортувати цей список тут.<br>Крім того, ви можете просканувати блокчейн (і блокчейни клонів Monero) самостійно, використовуючи інструмент monero-blockchain-blackball, щоб створити список відомих витрачених входів.<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ Для того щоб приховати які входи в транзакціях Monero були витрачені, третя сторона не повинна повідомляти які входи в кільці вже задіяні в витраті. Адже якщо це зробити, то це послабить захист, який забезпечується кільцевими підписами. Якщо відомо, що всі, крім одного з входів, вже витрачені, то фактично трата входу стає очевидною, тим самим анулюється ефект кільцевих підписів, одного з трьох основних рівнів захисту конфіденційності Monero.<br>Щоб допомогти транзакціям уникнути витрати цих входів, можна використовувати список відомих витрачених входів, щоб уникнути їх використання в нових транзакціях. Такий список підтримується проектом Monero і доступний на веб-сайті getmonero.org, і ви можете імпортувати цей список тут.<br>Крім того, ви можете просканувати блокчейн (і блокчейни клонів Monero) самостійно, використовуючи інструмент monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs, щоб створити список відомих витрачених входів.<br>
@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentБудь ласка, виберіть файл для завантаження списку заблокованих виходів
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentІм'я файла зі списком заблокованих виходів
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Або вручну заблокуйте/розблокуйте вихід:
@@ -1397,12 +1397,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentЗаблокувати
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentРозблокувати
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_zh-cn.ts b/translations/monero-core_zh-cn.ts
index 3989d64d..5911af67 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_zh-cn.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_zh-cn.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spentBlackball后的输出
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- 为了掩盖Monero交易中任何付款的去向, 第三方不应知道环签名中每个输入和支付的对应关系. 否则就会削弱环签名提供的保护. 如果仅有一个输入之外的所有输入都已知, 那么所有付款的去向将变得透明, 这将使作为Monero三个主要隐私保护层之一的环签名彻底无效. <br> 为帮助交易中避免出现这些问题, 可以使用已知去向列表来避免在新交易中使用它们. 这个清单由 Monero 项目维护, 可在 getmonero.org 网站上找到, 您可以在此处导入此清单. <br> 或者, 您可以自己扫描区块链 (以及复制了 Monero 密钥的克隆钱包的区块链), 使用monero-blockchain-blackball工具创建已知已用输出的列表. <br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ 为了掩盖Monero交易中任何付款的去向, 第三方不应知道环签名中每个输入和支付的对应关系. 否则就会削弱环签名提供的保护. 如果仅有一个输入之外的所有输入都已知, 那么所有付款的去向将变得透明, 这将使作为Monero三个主要隐私保护层之一的环签名彻底无效. <br> 为帮助交易中避免出现这些问题, 可以使用已知去向列表来避免在新交易中使用它们. 这个清单由 Monero 项目维护, 可在 getmonero.org 网站上找到, 您可以在此处导入此清单. <br> 或者, 您可以自己扫描区块链 (以及复制了 Monero 密钥的克隆钱包的区块链), 使用monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs工具创建已知已用输出的列表. <br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent请选择一个文件从中加载blackballed输出
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spentblackball的输出文件名
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:或者手动选择单个blackball/unblackball输出:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spentBlackball
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspentUnblackball
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_zh-tw.ts b/translations/monero-core_zh-tw.ts
index 955b728b..9b04c432 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_zh-tw.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_zh-tw.ts
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackballed outputs
+ Outputs marked as spent被排除的交易輸出
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-blackball tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
- 為了要混淆 Monero 真實被花用過的交易輸入,第三方不應能得知在環簽內的交易組合中哪一個交易是已經被花用的,否則環簽的保護效果將被減弱。若被觀察出只有一個交易輸出是尚未被花用的則該筆交易的來源將會變得顯而易見,也就等於損失了 Monero 的三大保護隱私保護其中之一: 環狀簽名。<br>若要避免發生這類狀況,一個已知被花用的交易輸出名單可以用來避免在新的交易中使用到這些輸出,此份名單是由 Monero 專案所維護,可以在 getmonero.org 網站上找到並在此匯入。<br>或是你可以選擇使用 monero-blockchain-blackball tool 自行掃描區塊鏈(與重複使用金鑰的分叉幣區塊鏈)以產生該份名單。<br>
+ In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the getmonero.org website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>
+ 為了要混淆 Monero 真實被花用過的交易輸入,第三方不應能得知在環簽內的交易組合中哪一個交易是已經被花用的,否則環簽的保護效果將被減弱。若被觀察出只有一個交易輸出是尚未被花用的則該筆交易的來源將會變得顯而易見,也就等於損失了 Monero 的三大保護隱私保護其中之一: 環狀簽名。<br>若要避免發生這類狀況,一個已知被花用的交易輸出名單可以用來避免在新的交易中使用到這些輸出,此份名單是由 Monero 專案所維護,可以在 getmonero.org 網站上找到並在此匯入。<br>或是你可以選擇使用 monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool 自行掃描區塊鏈(與重複使用金鑰的分叉幣區塊鏈)以產生該份名單。<br>
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Please choose a file to load blackballed outputs from
+ Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent請選擇一個檔案以載入交易輸出排除名單
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Filename with outputs to blackball
+ Filename with outputs to mark as spent欲排除的交易輸出檔案名稱
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Or manually blackball/unblackball a single output:
+ Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:或手動排除/恢復一個單獨的交易輸出:
@@ -1398,12 +1398,12 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
- Blackball
+ Mark as spent排除
- Unblackball
+ Mark as unspent恢復