diff --git a/pages/Receive.qml b/pages/Receive.qml
index ce3d2320..3787033e 100644
--- a/pages/Receive.qml
+++ b/pages/Receive.qml
@@ -30,9 +30,14 @@ import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
+import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import "../components"
import moneroComponents.Clipboard 1.0
+import moneroComponents.Wallet 1.0
+import moneroComponents.WalletManager 1.0
+import moneroComponents.TransactionHistory 1.0
+import moneroComponents.TransactionHistoryModel 1.0
Rectangle {
@@ -40,6 +45,8 @@ Rectangle {
property alias addressText : addressLine.text
property alias paymentIdText : paymentIdLine.text
property alias integratedAddressText : integratedAddressLine.text
+ property var model
+ property string trackingLineText: ""
function updatePaymentId(payment_id) {
if (typeof appWindow.currentWallet === 'undefined' || appWindow.currentWallet == null)
@@ -54,6 +61,7 @@ Rectangle {
integratedAddressLine.text = appWindow.currentWallet.integratedAddress(payment_id)
if (integratedAddressLine.text === "")
integratedAddressLine.text = qsTr("Invalid payment ID")
+ update()
function makeQRCodeString() {
@@ -73,6 +81,80 @@ Rectangle {
return s
+ function setTrackingLineText(text) {
+ // don't replace with same text, it wrecks selection while the user is selecting
+ // also keep track of text, because when we read back the text from the widget,
+ // we do not get what we put it, but some extra HTML stuff on top
+ if (text != trackingLineText) {
+ trackingLine.text = text
+ trackingLineText = text
+ }
+ }
+ function update() {
+ if (!appWindow.currentWallet) {
+ setTrackingLineText("-")
+ return
+ }
+ if (appWindow.currentWallet.connected == Wallet.ConnectionStatus_Disconnected) {
+ setTrackingLineText(qsTr("WARNING: no connection to daemon"))
+ return
+ }
+ var model = appWindow.currentWallet.historyModel
+ var count = model.rowCount()
+ var totalAmount = 0
+ var nTransactions = 0
+ var list = ""
+ var blockchainHeight = 0
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ var idx = model.index(i, 0)
+ var isout = model.data(idx, TransactionHistoryModel.TransactionIsOutRole);
+ var payment_id = model.data(idx, TransactionHistoryModel.TransactionPaymentIdRole);
+ if (!isout && payment_id == paymentIdLine.text) {
+ var amount = model.data(idx, TransactionHistoryModel.TransactionAtomicAmountRole);
+ totalAmount = walletManager.addi(totalAmount, amount)
+ nTransactions += 1
+ var txid = model.data(idx, TransactionHistoryModel.TransactionHashRole);
+ var blockHeight = model.data(idx, TransactionHistoryModel.TransactionBlockHeightRole);
+ if (blockHeight == 0) {
+ list += qsTr("in the txpool: %1").arg(txid) + translationManager.emptyString
+ } else {
+ if (blockchainHeight == 0)
+ blockchainHeight = walletManager.blockchainHeight()
+ var confirmations = blockchainHeight - blockHeight - 1
+ var displayAmount = model.data(idx, TransactionHistoryModel.TransactionDisplayAmountRole);
+ if (confirmations > 1) {
+ list += qsTr("%2 confirmations: %3 (%1)").arg(txid).arg(confirmations).arg(displayAmount) + translationManager.emptyString
+ } else {
+ list += qsTr("1 confirmation: %2 (%1)").arg(txid).arg(displayAmount) + translationManager.emptyString
+ }
+ }
+ list += "
+ }
+ }
+ if (nTransactions == 0) {
+ setTrackingLineText(qsTr("No transaction found yet...") + translationManager.emptyString)
+ return
+ }
+ var text = ((nTransactions == 1) ? qsTr("Transaction found") : qsTr("%1 transactions found").arg(nTransactions)) + translationManager.emptyString
+ var expectedAmount = walletManager.amountFromString(amountLine.text)
+ if (expectedAmount && expectedAmount != amount) {
+ var displayTotalAmount = walletManager.displayAmount(totalAmount)
+ if (amount > expectedAmount) {
+ text += qsTr(" with more money (%1)").arg(displayTotalAmount) + translationManager.emptyString
+ } else if (amount < expectedAmount) {
+ text += qsTr(" with not enough money (%1)").arg(displayTotalAmount) + translationManager.emptyString
+ }
+ }
+ setTrackingLineText(text + "
" + list)
+ }
Clipboard { id: clipboard }
@@ -228,10 +310,58 @@ Rectangle {
+ RowLayout {
+ id: trackingRow
+ Label {
+ id: trackingLabel
+ fontSize: 14
+ textFormat: Text.RichText
+ text: qsTr("\
+ Tracking (help)")
+ + translationManager.emptyString
+ width: mainLayout.labelWidth
+ onLinkActivated: {
+ trackingHowToUseDialog.title = qsTr("Tracking payments") + translationManager.emptyString;
+ trackingHowToUseDialog.text = qsTr(
+ "
This is a simple sales tracker:
" + + "Click Generate to create a random payment id for a new customer
" + + "Let your customer scan that QR code to make a payment (if that customer has software which " + + "supports QR code scanning).
" + + "This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool " + + "for incoming transactions using this QR code. If you input an amount, it will also check " + + "that incoming transactions total up to that amount.
" + + "It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be " + + "confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger " + + "values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s)." + ) + trackingHowToUseDialog.icon = StandardIcon.Information + trackingHowToUseDialog.open() + } + } + + TextEdit { + id: trackingLine + anchors.top: trackingRow.top + textFormat: Text.RichText + text: "" + readOnly: true + width: mainLayout.editWidth + Layout.fillWidth: true + selectByMouse: true + } + + } + + MessageDialog { + id: trackingHowToUseDialog + standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok + } + Image { id: qrCode anchors.margins: 50 - anchors.top: amountRow.bottom + anchors.top: trackingRow.bottom Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.minimumHeight: mainLayout.qrCodeSize smooth: false @@ -240,13 +370,24 @@ Rectangle { } } + Timer { + id: timer + interval: 2000; running: false; repeat: true + onTriggered: update() + } + function onPageCompleted() { console.log("Receive page loaded"); if(addressLine.text.length === 0 || addressLine.text !== appWindow.currentWallet.address) { updatePaymentId() } + update() + timer.running = true } + function onPageClosed() { + timer.running = false + } }