TEMPLATE = app QT += qml quick widgets WALLET_ROOT=$$PWD/monero CONFIG += c++11 # cleaning "auto-generated" bitmonero directory on "make distclean" QMAKE_DISTCLEAN += -r $$WALLET_ROOT INCLUDEPATH += $$WALLET_ROOT/include \ $$PWD/src/libwalletqt \ $$PWD/src/QR-Code-generator \ $$PWD/src HEADERS += \ filter.h \ clipboardAdapter.h \ oscursor.h \ src/libwalletqt/WalletManager.h \ src/libwalletqt/Wallet.h \ src/libwalletqt/PendingTransaction.h \ src/libwalletqt/TransactionHistory.h \ src/libwalletqt/TransactionInfo.h \ src/libwalletqt/QRCodeImageProvider.h \ src/libwalletqt/Transfer.h \ oshelper.h \ TranslationManager.h \ src/model/TransactionHistoryModel.h \ src/model/TransactionHistorySortFilterModel.h \ src/QR-Code-generator/BitBuffer.hpp \ src/QR-Code-generator/QrCode.hpp \ src/QR-Code-generator/QrSegment.hpp \ src/daemon/DaemonManager.h \ src/model/AddressBookModel.h \ src/libwalletqt/AddressBook.h \ src/zxcvbn-c/zxcvbn.h SOURCES += main.cpp \ filter.cpp \ clipboardAdapter.cpp \ oscursor.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/WalletManager.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/Wallet.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/PendingTransaction.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/TransactionHistory.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/TransactionInfo.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/QRCodeImageProvider.cpp \ oshelper.cpp \ TranslationManager.cpp \ src/model/TransactionHistoryModel.cpp \ src/model/TransactionHistorySortFilterModel.cpp \ src/QR-Code-generator/BitBuffer.cpp \ src/QR-Code-generator/QrCode.cpp \ src/QR-Code-generator/QrSegment.cpp \ src/daemon/DaemonManager.cpp \ src/model/AddressBookModel.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/AddressBook.cpp \ src/zxcvbn-c/zxcvbn.c lupdate_only { SOURCES = *.qml \ components/*.qml \ pages/*.qml \ wizard/*.qml \ wizard/*js } LIBS += -L$$WALLET_ROOT/lib \ -lwallet_merged \ -lunbound # currently we only support x86 build as qt.io only provides prebuilt qt for x86 mingw win32 { # Win64 Host settings contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64) { message("Host is 64bit") MSYS_PATH=c:/msys64/mingw32 # boost root path BOOST_PATH=c:/msys64/mingw64/boost # WIN32 Host settings } else { message("Host is 32bit") MSYS_PATH=c:/msys32/mingw32 # boost root path BOOST_PATH=c:/msys32/mingw32/boost } LIBS+=-L$$MSYS_PATH/lib LIBS+=-L$$BOOST_PATH/lib LIBS+= \ -Wl,-Bstatic \ -lboost_serialization-mt-s \ -lboost_thread-mt-s \ -lboost_system-mt-s \ -lboost_date_time-mt-s \ -lboost_filesystem-mt-s \ -lboost_regex-mt-s \ -lboost_chrono-mt-s \ -lboost_program_options-mt-s \ -lssl \ -lcrypto \ -Wl,-Bdynamic \ -lws2_32 \ -lwsock32 \ -lIphlpapi \ -lgdi32 !contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64) { message("Target is 32bit") ## Windows x86 (32bit) specific build here ## there's 2Mb stack in libwallet allocated internally, so we set stack=4Mb ## this fixes app crash for x86 Windows build QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--stack,4194304 } else { message("Target is 64bit") } } linux { CONFIG(static) { message("using static libraries") LIBS+= -Wl,-Bstatic } LIBS+= \ -lboost_serialization \ -lboost_thread \ -lboost_system \ -lboost_date_time \ -lboost_filesystem \ -lboost_regex \ -lboost_chrono \ -lboost_program_options \ -lssl \ -lcrypto \ -Wl,-Bdynamic \ -ldl # currently monero has an issue with "static" build and linunwind-dev, # so we link libunwind-dev only for non-Ubuntu distros CONFIG(libunwind_off) { message(Building without libunwind) } else { message(Building with libunwind) LIBS += -Wl,-Bdynamic -lunwind } } macx { # mixing static and shared libs are not supported on mac # CONFIG(static) { # message("using static libraries") # LIBS+= -Wl,-Bstatic # } LIBS+= \ -L/usr/local/lib \ -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib \ -L/usr/local/opt/boost/lib \ -lboost_serialization \ -lboost_thread-mt \ -lboost_system \ -lboost_date_time \ -lboost_filesystem \ -lboost_regex \ -lboost_chrono \ -lboost_program_options \ -lssl \ -lcrypto \ -ldl } # translation stuff TRANSLATIONS = \ # English is default language, no explicit translation file $$PWD/translations/monero-core_ar.ts \ # Arabic $$PWD/translations/monero-core_de.ts \ # Deutsch $$PWD/translations/monero-core_es.ts \ # Spanish $$PWD/translations/monero-core_fr.ts \ # French $$PWD/translations/monero-core_hr.ts \ # Croatian $$PWD/translations/monero-core_in.ts \ # Hindi $$PWD/translations/monero-core_it.ts \ # Italian $$PWD/translations/monero-core_ja.ts \ # Japanese $$PWD/translations/monero-core_pl.ts \ # Polish $$PWD/translations/monero-core_ru.ts \ # Russian $$PWD/translations/monero-core_zh.ts \ # Chineese CONFIG(release, debug|release) { DESTDIR = release/bin LANGUPD_OPTIONS = -locations relative -no-ui-lines LANGREL_OPTIONS = -compress -nounfinished -removeidentical } else { DESTDIR = debug/bin LANGUPD_OPTIONS = LANGREL_OPTIONS = -markuntranslated "MISS_TR " } TARGET_FULL_PATH = $$OUT_PWD/$$DESTDIR TRANSLATION_TARGET_DIR = $$TARGET_FULL_PATH/translations macx { TARGET_FULL_PATH = $$sprintf("%1/%2/%3.app", $$OUT_PWD, $$DESTDIR, $$TARGET) TRANSLATION_TARGET_DIR = $$TARGET_FULL_PATH/Contents/Resources/translations } isEmpty(QMAKE_LUPDATE) { win32:LANGUPD = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\lupdate.exe else:LANGUPD = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lupdate } isEmpty(QMAKE_LRELEASE) { win32:LANGREL = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\lrelease.exe else:LANGREL = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lrelease } langupd.command = \ $$LANGUPD $$LANGUPD_OPTIONS $$shell_path($$_PRO_FILE) -ts $$_PRO_FILE_PWD/$$TRANSLATIONS langrel.depends = langupd langrel.input = TRANSLATIONS langrel.output = $$TRANSLATION_TARGET_DIR/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm langrel.commands = \ $$LANGREL $$LANGREL_OPTIONS ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} -qm $$TRANSLATION_TARGET_DIR/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm langrel.CONFIG += no_link QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += langupd deploy deploy_win QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += langrel # Update: no issues with the "slow link process" anymore, # for development, just build debug version of libwallet_merged lib # by invoking 'get_libwallet_api.sh Debug' # so we update translations everytime even for debug build PRE_TARGETDEPS += langupd compiler_langrel_make_all RESOURCES += qml.qrc # Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model QML_IMPORT_PATH = # Default rules for deployment. include(deployment.pri) macx { deploy.commands += macdeployqt $$sprintf("%1/%2/%3.app", $$OUT_PWD, $$DESTDIR, $$TARGET) -qmldir=$$PWD } win32 { deploy.commands += windeployqt $$sprintf("%1/%2/%3.exe", $$OUT_PWD, $$DESTDIR, $$TARGET) -release -qmldir=$$PWD # Win64 msys2 deploy settings contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64) { deploy.commands += $$escape_expand(\n\t) $$PWD/windeploy_helper.sh $$DESTDIR } } linux { deploy.commands += $$escape_expand(\n\t) $$PWD/linuxdeploy_helper.sh $$DESTDIR $$TARGET } OTHER_FILES += \ .gitignore \ $$TRANSLATIONS DISTFILES += \ notes.txt # windows application icon RC_FILE = monero-core.rc # mac application icon ICON = $$PWD/images/appicon.icns