// Copyright (c) 2014-2019, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import moneroComponents.Clipboard 1.0 import "../js/Wizard.js" as Wizard import "../js/Utils.js" as Utils import "../components" as MoneroComponents Rectangle { id: wizardCreateWallet2 color: "transparent" property alias pageHeight: pageRoot.height property alias pageRoot: pageRoot property string viewName: "wizardCreateWallet2" property var seedArray: wizardController.walletOptionsSeed.split(" ") property var seedListGrid: "" property var hiddenWords: [0, 5, 10, 15, 20] Clipboard { id: clipboard } state: "default" states: [ State { name: "default"; }, State { name: "verify"; when: typeof currentWallet != "undefined" && wizardStateView.state == "wizardCreateWallet2" PropertyChanges { target: header; title: qsTr("Verify your recovery phrase") + translationManager.emptyString } PropertyChanges { target: header; imageIcon: wizardController.layoutScale != 4 ? (MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme ? "qrc:///images/verify.png" : "qrc:///images/verify-white.png") : "" } PropertyChanges { target: header; subtitle: qsTr("Please confirm that you have written down your recover phrase by filling in the five blank fields with the correct words. If you have not written down your recovery phrase on a piece of paper, click on the Previous button and write it down right now!") + translationManager.emptyString} PropertyChanges { target: walletCreationDate; opacity: 0; enabled: false} PropertyChanges { target: walletCreationDateValue; opacity: 0; enabled: false} PropertyChanges { target: walletRestoreHeight; opacity: 0; enabled: false} PropertyChanges { target: walletRestoreHeightValue; opacity: 0; enabled: false} PropertyChanges { target: createNewSeedButton; opacity: 0; enabled: false} PropertyChanges { target: copyToClipboardButton; opacity: 0; enabled: false} PropertyChanges { target: printPDFTemplate; opacity: 0; enabled: false} PropertyChanges { target: navigation; onPrevClicked: { seedListGridColumn.clearFields(); wizardCreateWallet2.state = "default"; pageRoot.forceActiveFocus(); }} PropertyChanges { target: navigation; onNextClicked: { seedListGridColumn.clearFields(); wizardStateView.state = "wizardCreateWallet3"; wizardCreateWallet2.state = "default"; }} } ] MoneroComponents.TextPlain { //PDF template text // the translation of these strings is used to create localized PDF templates visible: false text: qsTr("Print this paper, fill it out, and keep it in a safe location. Never share your recovery phrase with anybody, especially with strangers offering technical support.") + qsTr("Recovery phrase (mnemonic seed)") + qsTr("These words are are a backup of your wallet. They are the only thing needed to access your funds and restore your Monero wallet, so keep this paper in a safe place and do not disclose it to anybody! It is strongly not recommended to store your recovery phrase digitally (in an email, online service, screenshot, photo, or any other type of computer file).") + qsTr("Wallet creation date") + qsTr("Wallet restore height") + qsTr("For instructions on how to restore this wallet, visit www.getmonero.org and go to Resources > User Guides > \"How to restore a wallet from mnemonic seed\". Use only Monero wallets that are trusted and recommended by the Monero community (see a list of them in www.getmonero.org/downloads).") + translationManager.emptyString } ColumnLayout { id: pageRoot Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter; width: parent.width - 100 Layout.fillWidth: true anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; spacing: 0 KeyNavigation.down: mobileDialog.visible ? mobileHeader : header KeyNavigation.tab: mobileDialog.visible ? mobileHeader : header ColumnLayout { id: mobileDialog Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: wizardController.wizardSubViewTopMargin Layout.maximumWidth: wizardController.wizardSubViewWidth Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter visible: wizardController.layoutScale == 4 spacing: 60 WizardHeader { id: mobileHeader title: qsTr("Write down your recovery phrase") + translationManager.emptyString Accessible.role: Accessible.StaticText Accessible.name: qsTr("Write down your recovery phrase") + translationManager.emptyString Keys.onUpPressed: displaySeedButton.forceActiveFocus() Keys.onBacktabPressed: displaySeedButton.forceActiveFocus() KeyNavigation.down: mobileImage KeyNavigation.tab: mobileImage } Image { id: mobileImage Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop source: MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme ? "qrc:///images/write-down@2x.png" : "qrc:///images/write-down-white@2x.png" width: 125 height: 125 sourceSize.width: 125 sourceSize.height: 125 Accessible.role: Accessible.Graphic Accessible.name: qsTr("A pencil writing on a piece of paper") + translationManager.emptyString KeyNavigation.up: mobileHeader KeyNavigation.backtab: mobileHeader KeyNavigation.down: mobileText KeyNavigation.tab: mobileText Rectangle { width: mobileImage.width height: mobileImage.height color: mobileImage.focus ? MoneroComponents.Style.titleBarButtonHoverColor : "transparent" } } Text { id: mobileText Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter color: MoneroComponents.Style.dimmedFontColor text: qsTr("The next page will display your recovery phrase, also known as mnemonic seed.") + " " + qsTr("These words are a backup of your wallet. Write these words down now on a piece of paper in the same order displayed. Keep this paper in a safe place and do not disclose it to anybody! Do not store these words digitally, always use a paper!") + translationManager.emptyString font.family: MoneroComponents.Style.fontRegular.name font.pixelSize: 14 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap leftPadding: 0 topPadding: 0 Accessible.role: Accessible.StaticText Accessible.name: qsTr("The next page will display your recovery phrase, also known as mnemonic seed.") + " " + qsTr("These words are a backup of your wallet. Write these words down now on a piece of paper in the same order displayed. Keep this paper in a safe place and do not disclose it to anybody! Do not store these words digitally, always use a paper!") + translationManager.emptyString KeyNavigation.up: mobileImage KeyNavigation.backtab: mobileImage KeyNavigation.down: displaySeedButton KeyNavigation.tab: displaySeedButton Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: parent.focus ? MoneroComponents.Style.titleBarButtonHoverColor : "transparent" } } MoneroComponents.StandardButton { id: displaySeedButton Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter; text: qsTr("Display recovery phrase") + translationManager.emptyString onClicked: { mobileDialog.visible = false; } Accessible.role: Accessible.Button Accessible.name: qsTr("The next page will display your recovery phrase, also known as mnemonic seed. ") + qsTr("These words are a backup of your wallet. Write these words down now on a piece of paper in the same order displayed. Keep this paper in a safe place and do not disclose it to anybody! Do not store these words digitally, always use a paper!") + translationManager.emptyString KeyNavigation.up: mobileText KeyNavigation.backtab: mobileText KeyNavigation.down: mobileHeader KeyNavigation.tab: mobileHeader } } ColumnLayout { id: mainPage Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: wizardController.wizardSubViewTopMargin Layout.maximumWidth: wizardController.wizardSubViewWidth Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter visible: !mobileDialog.visible spacing: 15 WizardHeader { id: header imageIcon: wizardController.layoutScale != 4 ? (MoneroComponents.Style.blackTheme ? "qrc:///images/write-down.png" : "qrc:///images/write-down-white.png") : "" title: qsTr("Write down your recovery phrase") + translationManager.emptyString subtitleVisible: wizardController.layoutScale != 4 subtitle: qsTr("These words are a backup of your wallet. Write these words down now on a piece of paper in the same order displayed. Keep this paper in a safe place and do not disclose it to anybody! Do not store these words digitally, always use a paper!") + translationManager.emptyString Accessible.role: Accessible.StaticText Accessible.name: title + ". " + subtitle Keys.onUpPressed: navigation.btnNext.enabled ? navigation.btnNext.forceActiveFocus() : navigation.wizardProgress.forceActiveFocus() Keys.onBacktabPressed: navigation.btnNext.enabled ? navigation.btnNext.forceActiveFocus() : navigation.wizardProgress.forceActiveFocus() Keys.onDownPressed: recoveryPhraseLabel.visible ? recoveryPhraseLabel.forceActiveFocus() : focusOnListGrid() Keys.onTabPressed: recoveryPhraseLabel.visible ? recoveryPhraseLabel.forceActiveFocus() : focusOnListGrid() function focusOnListGrid() { if (wizardCreateWallet2.state == "verify") { if (seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[0]].lineEdit.visible) { return seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[0]].lineEdit.forceActiveFocus(); } else { return seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[0]].forceActiveFocus(); } } else { return seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[0].forceActiveFocus(); } } } MoneroComponents.TextPlain { id: recoveryPhraseLabel visible: wizardController.layoutScale != 4 font.family: MoneroComponents.Style.fontRegular.name font.pixelSize: 15 font.bold: false textFormat: Text.RichText color: MoneroComponents.Style.dimmedFontColor text: qsTr("Recovery phrase (mnemonic seed)") + ":" + translationManager.emptyString themeTransition: false tooltip: qsTr("These words encode your private spend key in a human readable format.") + "<br>" + qsTr("It is expected that some words may be repeated.") + translationManager.emptyString tooltipIconVisible: true Accessible.role: Accessible.StaticText Accessible.name: qsTr("Recovery phrase (mnemonic seed)") + translationManager.emptyString; KeyNavigation.up: header KeyNavigation.backtab: header Keys.onDownPressed: header.focusOnListGrid() Keys.onTabPressed: header.focusOnListGrid() } ColumnLayout { id: seedListGridColumn function clearFields() { for (var i = 0; i < wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords.length; i++) { seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[i]].wordText.visible = true; seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[i]].lineEdit.text = ""; seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[i]].lineEdit.readOnly = false; } } } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight Timer { id: checkSeedListGridDestruction interval: 100; running: false; repeat: true onTriggered: { if (!wizardCreateWallet2.seedListGrid) { var newSeedListGrid = Qt.createComponent("SeedListGrid.qml"); wizardCreateWallet2.seedListGrid = newSeedListGrid.createObject(seedListGridColumn); appWindow.showStatusMessage(qsTr("New seed generated"),3); pageRoot.forceActiveFocus(); checkSeedListGridDestruction.stop(); } } } MoneroComponents.StandardButton { id: createNewSeedButton visible: appWindow.walletMode >= 2 small: true primary: false text: qsTr("Create new seed") + translationManager.emptyString onClicked: { wizardController.restart(true); wizardController.createWallet(); wizardCreateWallet2.seedArray = wizardController.walletOptionsSeed.split(" ") wizardCreateWallet2.seedListGrid.destroy(); checkSeedListGridDestruction.start(); } Accessible.role: Accessible.Button Accessible.name: qsTr("Create new seed") + translationManager.emptyString KeyNavigation.up: (wizardCreateWallet2.seedListGrid && seedListGridColumn.children[0]) ? seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[24] : recoveryPhraseLabel KeyNavigation.backtab: (wizardCreateWallet2.seedListGrid && seedListGridColumn.children[0]) ? seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[24] : recoveryPhraseLabel KeyNavigation.down: copyToClipboardButton KeyNavigation.tab: copyToClipboardButton } MoneroComponents.StandardButton { id: copyToClipboardButton visible: appWindow.walletMode >= 2 small: true primary: false text: qsTr("Copy to clipboard") + translationManager.emptyString onClicked: { clipboard.setText(wizardController.walletOptionsSeed); appWindow.showStatusMessage(qsTr("Recovery phrase copied to clipboard"),3); } Accessible.role: Accessible.Button Accessible.name: qsTr("Copy to clipboard") + translationManager.emptyString KeyNavigation.up: createNewSeedButton KeyNavigation.backtab: createNewSeedButton KeyNavigation.down: printPDFTemplate.visible ? printPDFTemplate : walletCreationDate KeyNavigation.tab: printPDFTemplate.visible ? printPDFTemplate : walletCreationDate } MoneroComponents.StandardButton { id: printPDFTemplate small: true primary: false text: qsTr("Print a template") + translationManager.emptyString tooltip: qsTr("Print a template to write down your seed") + translationManager.emptyString onClicked: { oshelper.openSeedTemplate(); } Accessible.role: Accessible.Button Accessible.name: qsTr("Print a template to write down your seed") + translationManager.emptyString KeyNavigation.up: copyToClipboardButton.visible ? copyToClipboardButton : (wizardCreateWallet2.seedListGrid && seedListGridColumn.children[0]) ? seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[24] : recoveryPhraseLabel KeyNavigation.backtab: copyToClipboardButton.visible ? copyToClipboardButton : (wizardCreateWallet2.seedListGrid && seedListGridColumn.children[0]) ? seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[24] : recoveryPhraseLabel KeyNavigation.down: walletCreationDate KeyNavigation.tab: walletCreationDate } } RowLayout { Layout.topMargin: 0 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.maximumWidth: seedListGridColumn.width spacing: 10 ColumnLayout { spacing: 5 Layout.fillWidth: true MoneroComponents.TextPlain { id: walletCreationDate font.family: MoneroComponents.Style.fontRegular.name font.pixelSize: 15 font.bold: false textFormat: Text.RichText color: MoneroComponents.Style.dimmedFontColor text: qsTr("Creation date") + ": " + translationManager.emptyString themeTransition: false Accessible.role: Accessible.StaticText Accessible.name: qsTr("Creation date") + " " + walletCreationDateValue.text + translationManager.emptyString KeyNavigation.up: printPDFTemplate.visible ? printPDFTemplate : copyToClipboardButton KeyNavigation.backtab: printPDFTemplate.visible ? printPDFTemplate : copyToClipboardButton KeyNavigation.down: walletRestoreHeight KeyNavigation.tab: walletRestoreHeight } MoneroComponents.TextPlain { id: walletCreationDateValue property var locale: Qt.locale() property date currentDate: new Date() font.family: MoneroComponents.Style.fontRegular.name font.pixelSize: 16 font.bold: true textFormat: Text.RichText color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor text: currentDate.toLocaleDateString(locale, Locale.ShortFormat) } } ColumnLayout { spacing: 5 Layout.fillWidth: true MoneroComponents.TextPlain { id: walletRestoreHeight font.family: MoneroComponents.Style.fontRegular.name font.pixelSize: 15 font.bold: false textFormat: Text.RichText color: MoneroComponents.Style.dimmedFontColor text: qsTr("Restore height") + ":" + translationManager.emptyString tooltip: wizardController.layoutScale != 4 ? qsTr("Enter this number when restoring the wallet to make your initial wallet synchronization faster.") : "" + translationManager.emptyString tooltipIconVisible: true themeTransition: false Accessible.role: Accessible.StaticText Accessible.name: qsTr("Restore height") + " " + Utils.roundDownToNearestThousand(wizardController.m_wallet ? wizardController.m_wallet.walletCreationHeight : 0) + translationManager.emptyString KeyNavigation.up: walletCreationDate KeyNavigation.backtab: walletCreationDate Keys.onDownPressed: navigation.btnPrev.forceActiveFocus(); Keys.onTabPressed: navigation.btnPrev.forceActiveFocus(); } MoneroComponents.TextPlain { id: walletRestoreHeightValue font.family: MoneroComponents.Style.fontRegular.name font.pixelSize: 16 font.bold: true textFormat: Text.RichText color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor text: Utils.roundDownToNearestThousand(wizardController.m_wallet ? wizardController.m_wallet.walletCreationHeight : 0) } } } WizardNav { id: navigation progressSteps: appWindow.walletMode <= 1 ? 4 : 5 progress: 1 onPrevClicked: { wizardStateView.state = "wizardCreateWallet1"; mobileDialog.visible = Qt.binding(function() { return wizardController.layoutScale == 4 }) } btnPrevKeyNavigationBackTab: wizardCreateWallet2.state == "default" ? walletRestoreHeight : seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[4]].lineEdit.visible ? seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[4]].lineEdit : seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[24] btnNextKeyNavigationTab: mobileDialog.visible ? mobileHeader : header btnNext.enabled: walletCreationDate.opacity == 1 || appWindow.ctrlPressed ? true : seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[hiddenWords[0]].icon.wordsMatch && seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[hiddenWords[1]].icon.wordsMatch && seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[hiddenWords[2]].icon.wordsMatch && seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[hiddenWords[3]].icon.wordsMatch && seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[hiddenWords[4]].icon.wordsMatch onNextClicked: { //choose five random words to hide for (var i = 0; i < hiddenWords.length; i++) { wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 5 * i } wizardCreateWallet2.state = "verify"; for (var i = 0; i < hiddenWords.length; i++) { seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[i]].wordText.visible = false; } seedListGridColumn.children[0].children[wizardCreateWallet2.hiddenWords[0]].lineEdit.forceActiveFocus(); } } } } function onPageCompleted(previousView){ wizardCreateWallet2.seedArray = wizardController.walletOptionsSeed.split(" ") if (!wizardCreateWallet2.seedListGrid) { var component = Qt.createComponent("SeedListGrid.qml"); wizardCreateWallet2.seedListGrid = component.createObject(seedListGridColumn); } } }