#include "WalletManager.h" #include "Wallet.h" #include "wallet/wallet2_api.h" #include "zxcvbn-c/zxcvbn.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include WalletManager * WalletManager::m_instance = nullptr; WalletManager *WalletManager::instance() { if (!m_instance) { m_instance = new WalletManager; } return m_instance; } Wallet *WalletManager::createWallet(const QString &path, const QString &password, const QString &language, bool testnet) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (m_currentWallet) { qDebug() << "Closing open m_currentWallet" << m_currentWallet; delete m_currentWallet; } Monero::Wallet * w = m_pimpl->createWallet(path.toStdString(), password.toStdString(), language.toStdString(), testnet); m_currentWallet = new Wallet(w); return m_currentWallet; } Wallet *WalletManager::openWallet(const QString &path, const QString &password, bool testnet) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (m_currentWallet) { qDebug() << "Closing open m_currentWallet" << m_currentWallet; delete m_currentWallet; } qDebug("%s: opening wallet at %s, testnet = %d ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, qPrintable(path), testnet); Monero::Wallet * w = m_pimpl->openWallet(path.toStdString(), password.toStdString(), testnet); qDebug("%s: opened wallet: %s, status: %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, w->address().c_str(), w->status()); m_currentWallet = new Wallet(w); // move wallet to the GUI thread. Otherwise it wont be emitting signals if (m_currentWallet->thread() != qApp->thread()) { m_currentWallet->moveToThread(qApp->thread()); } return m_currentWallet; } void WalletManager::openWalletAsync(const QString &path, const QString &password, bool testnet) { QFuture future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &WalletManager::openWallet, path, password, testnet); QFutureWatcher * watcher = new QFutureWatcher(); watcher->setFuture(future); connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, [this, watcher]() { QFuture future = watcher->future(); watcher->deleteLater(); emit walletOpened(future.result()); }); } Wallet *WalletManager::recoveryWallet(const QString &path, const QString &memo, bool testnet, quint64 restoreHeight) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (m_currentWallet) { qDebug() << "Closing open m_currentWallet" << m_currentWallet; delete m_currentWallet; } Monero::Wallet * w = m_pimpl->recoveryWallet(path.toStdString(), memo.toStdString(), testnet, restoreHeight); m_currentWallet = new Wallet(w); return m_currentWallet; } QString WalletManager::closeWallet() { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); QString result; if (m_currentWallet) { result = m_currentWallet->address(); delete m_currentWallet; } else { qCritical() << "Trying to close non existing wallet " << m_currentWallet; result = "0"; } return result; } void WalletManager::closeWalletAsync() { QFuture future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &WalletManager::closeWallet); QFutureWatcher * watcher = new QFutureWatcher(); watcher->setFuture(future); connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, [this, watcher]() { QFuture future = watcher->future(); watcher->deleteLater(); emit walletClosed(future.result()); }); } bool WalletManager::walletExists(const QString &path) const { return m_pimpl->walletExists(path.toStdString()); } QStringList WalletManager::findWallets(const QString &path) { std::vector found_wallets = m_pimpl->findWallets(path.toStdString()); QStringList result; for (const auto &w : found_wallets) { result.append(QString::fromStdString(w)); } return result; } QString WalletManager::errorString() const { return tr("Unknown error"); } bool WalletManager::moveWallet(const QString &src, const QString &dst) { return true; } QString WalletManager::walletLanguage(const QString &locale) { return "English"; } quint64 WalletManager::maximumAllowedAmount() const { return Monero::Wallet::maximumAllowedAmount(); } QString WalletManager::maximumAllowedAmountAsSting() const { return WalletManager::displayAmount(WalletManager::maximumAllowedAmount()); } QString WalletManager::displayAmount(quint64 amount) const { return QString::fromStdString(Monero::Wallet::displayAmount(amount)); } quint64 WalletManager::amountFromString(const QString &amount) const { return Monero::Wallet::amountFromString(amount.toStdString()); } quint64 WalletManager::amountFromDouble(double amount) const { return Monero::Wallet::amountFromDouble(amount); } bool WalletManager::paymentIdValid(const QString &payment_id) const { return Monero::Wallet::paymentIdValid(payment_id.toStdString()); } bool WalletManager::addressValid(const QString &address, bool testnet) const { return Monero::Wallet::addressValid(address.toStdString(), testnet); } QString WalletManager::paymentIdFromAddress(const QString &address, bool testnet) const { return QString::fromStdString(Monero::Wallet::paymentIdFromAddress(address.toStdString(), testnet)); } QString WalletManager::checkPayment(const QString &address, const QString &txid, const QString &txkey, const QString &daemon_address) const { uint64_t received = 0, height = 0; std::string error = ""; bool ret = m_pimpl->checkPayment(address.toStdString(), txid.toStdString(), txkey.toStdString(), daemon_address.toStdString(), received, height, error); // bypass qml being unable to pass structures without preposterous complexity std::string result = std::string(ret ? "true" : "false") + "|" + QString::number(received).toStdString() + "|" + QString::number(height).toStdString() + "|" + error; return QString::fromStdString(result); } void WalletManager::setDaemonAddress(const QString &address) { m_pimpl->setDaemonAddress(address.toStdString()); } bool WalletManager::connected() const { return m_pimpl->connected(); } quint64 WalletManager::networkDifficulty() const { return m_pimpl->networkDifficulty(); } quint64 WalletManager::blockchainHeight() const { return m_pimpl->blockchainHeight(); } quint64 WalletManager::blockchainTargetHeight() const { return m_pimpl->blockchainTargetHeight(); } double WalletManager::miningHashRate() const { return m_pimpl->miningHashRate(); } void WalletManager::setLogLevel(int logLevel) { Monero::WalletManagerFactory::setLogLevel(logLevel); } QString WalletManager::urlToLocalPath(const QUrl &url) const { return QDir::toNativeSeparators(url.toLocalFile()); } QUrl WalletManager::localPathToUrl(const QString &path) const { return QUrl::fromLocalFile(path); } double WalletManager::getPasswordStrength(const QString &password) const { static const char *local_dict[] = { "monero", "fluffypony", NULL }; if (!ZxcvbnInit("zxcvbn.dict")) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open zxcvbn.dict\n"); return 0.0; } double e = ZxcvbnMatch(password.toStdString().c_str(), local_dict, NULL); ZxcvbnUnInit(); return e; } WalletManager::WalletManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { m_pimpl = Monero::WalletManagerFactory::getWalletManager(); }