AccountAll yar bootyPile of booty: Copi'd to ye scrollChests o' treasureBooty: Address copi'd to ye scrollfashion a new booty storeAdd a plaque to ye new booty chest:(Untitl'd)AddressBookThee Address bookResolv'Thar be no valid addr'ss be found at t'is OpenAlias addr'ss ye bilge ratThee Addr'ss be found, but thee DNSSEC signat'res nay can be verifi'd, so thee addr'ss may be spoof'd o' sunkenThar be No valid addr'ss be found at t'is OpenAlias addr'ss, but thee DNSSEC signat'res nay be verifi'd, so thee addr'ss may be spoof'd o' sunkenBlund'r below thee decks!Thar be No addr'ss foundAdd!Blunder!Ye address be bedridd'nYe carnt creat' thee entryOpenAlias blund'r!DaemonConsolecommand + ent'r (e.g. alas, I be needin' help)DaemonManagerDialogStartin' ye local node in %1 secondsSet sail ye daemon (%1)Use cust'm settins fer ye plund'rinHistoryThee date o' moonsThee Blockheig't!Acquir'dYe FEE!Descripti'n!Capt'ns optionsCopi'd to ye scrollThee Paym'nt ID:Ye Destinati'ns:Victory!HistoryTableThee Paym'nt IDYe Destinati'nsThee results be finish'd!Acquir'dCopi'd to ye scrollThee addr'ss be copi'd to ye scrollThee Blockheig't!Descripti'n!UNCONFIRM'D!FAIL'D!PENDIN'!Ye FEE!InputDialogAbolish!OKKeysYe Mnemonic seed!G'YARRGGHHHHH: Ye best not be reusin' yer XM-ARGHHH keys on anoth'r fork, UNLESS thee fork has key reuse mit'gations built in upon thee! Doin' so will be harmin' ye privacy!Export ye treasur' walletYe Spendabl' Wallet!View Only Wall't!Thee secr't view key!Thee public view key!Thee secr't spend key!Thee public spend key!LeftPanelBal'nce!Ye Unlocked bal'nce!Send!Rece've!View Only!Testnet!Stag'netCopi'd to ye scrollThee Address bookAdvanc'd!Diggin' up ye booty!Shar'd RingDBWall't!Sign/ver'fy!Settings!LineEditCopi'd to ye scrollLineEditMultiCopi'd to ye scrollMerchantSave AsCopi'd to ye scrollThee Amount o' XM-ARGHHH to be receivin'WARNING: thar be no be arghhh conn'ction to thee daemonSave ye QrCode!Ye Fail'd to be savin' QrCode to MerchantTrackingListconfirm'tions!confirm'tion!MiddlePanelBal'nce!Unlock'd booty!MiningSolo min'ng!Yer daemon must be synchroniz'd befor' ye can start min'ng!CPU threads!Background pillagin' an' min'ng (experimental)Enable pillagin' an' min'ng when runnin' on ye batteryManage pillagin' an' min'ngComm'nce ye pillagin' an' min'ng!Thar be a blund'r startin' ye pillagin'!Couldn't start pillagin'Min'ng an' pillagin' only be avail'ble on yer local daemons. Ye best be runnin' a local daemon to be able to pill'ge an mine.<br>Halt pillagin' an' min'ng!Min'ng at %1 H/sYe no be min'ng!MobileHeaderYe Unlock'd Bal'nce:NavbarWall't!NetworkStatusItemSynchroniz'n'Rem'te nodeYe Connect'd!Diggin' up ye booty!Fals' version!Ye Disconnect'dFals' n' hogwash conn'ction statusNetw'rk status!NewPasswordDialogEnt'r ye new passw'rd!C'nfirm ye new passw'rd lazy swine!Cancel!Cont'nue!PassphraseDialogCont'nue!PasswordDialogEnt'r ye password fer ye treasur'd booty wall't!Ent'r treasur'd booty wall't passw'rd fer: Canc'l!Cont'nue!ProgressBar%1 blocks remainin': Synchronizin' %1QRCodeScannerQrCode Scann'dReceiveSet thee label o' thee select'd address:Address'sCopi'd to ye scrollSet thee label o' thee new addr'ss:(Untitl'd)Thee Address be copi'd to scrollSave ye QrCode!Ye Fail'd to be savin' QrCode to RemoteNodeEditYe Rem'te Node Hostn'me / IPsea-PORT!SettingsInfoCopi'd to ye scrollSettingsLayoutSettingsLogSettingsNodeRem'te nodeAddr'sssea-PORT!Password!Blockchain locat'onSettingsWalletCreate ye wall't!Victory!Blunder!Informat'onWrong passw'rd ye mindless kidney-wipe!SharedRingDBShar'd RingDBT'is page be allowin' ye to inter'ct wit' thee shar'd ring datab'se. T'is datab'se be meant fer use by ye XM-ARGHHH wall'ts as well as wall'ts from Monero clones which be reusin' thee Monero keys.Blackball'd outputs!Avast ye, succour! HELP!In ord'r to be obscurin' which inputs in a XM-ARGHHH transact'on are bein' spent, a third party shant be abl' to dig'st which inputs in thee ring argh already be known to be spent. Bein' abl' to do so would be weakenin' thee protect'on afford'd by ring signat'res. If all but one o' thee inputs are known to be already spent, then thee input bein' actually spent becomes appar'nt, thereby nullifyin' thee effect o' thee ring signat'res, one o' thee three main lay'rs o' privacy protecti'n XM-ARGHHH uses.<br>To help ye transactions to be avoidin' those inputs, a list o' known spent ones can be us'd to avoid usin' them in new transact'ons. Such a list be maintain'd by thee Monero project and be availabl' on thee website, and ye can be importin' t'is list 'ere.<br>Alternativ'ly, ye can be scannin' thee blockchain (and thee blockchain o' the key-reusin' Monero clones) yaself usin' thee monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool an be creatin' a list o' known spent outputs.<br>T'is sets which outputs are known to be sp'nt, and thus not to be us'd as privacy placehold'rs in ring signat'res. Ye shal' only hav' to be loadin' a file when ye want to refr'sh thee list. Manual addin'/removin' be possibl' if ye need be.Ye best be choosin' a file to load blackball'd outputs from!Path to thee fileBrowse!Load!Or manual'y blackb'll/unblackball a single output:Blackball!Unblackball!Rings!In ord'r to be avoidin' nullifyin' thee protection afford'd by XM-ARGHHH's ring sign'tures, an output shan't be spent with diff'rent rings on diff'rent blockchains. While t'is may norm'lly not be argh concern, it can become one when thar be a key-reusin' Monero clone allowin' you to spend existing outputs. In t'is case, ye need to ensur' t'is existin' outputs be usin' thee same ring on both chains.<br>T'is shal' be done automatica'ly by Monero an' any key-reusin' software which not be tryin' to activ'ly strip ye of ye treasur'd privacy.<br>If ye are usin' a key-reusin' Monero clone too, an' t'is clone does not be includ' t'is protection, ye can stil' ensur' ye transactions be protect'd by spendin' on thee clone first, then be manually addin' thee ring on t'is page, which be allowin' ye to then be spendin' y' XM-ARGHHH safely.<br>If ye do not be usin' a key-reusin' Monero clone without these safety featur's, then ye do not be needin' to do anythin' as it is all automat'd.<br>T'is records rings us'd by thee outputs sp'nt on XM-ARGHHH on a key reusin' chain, so thee same ring may be reus'd to avoid privacy issu's.Key imag'!Paste ye key imag'Get ring!Get Ring!Thar be No ring locat'd!Set thee ring!Set thee Ring!I be intendin' to be spendin' on thee key-reusin' fork(s)I may be wantin' to be spendin' on thee key-reusin' fork(s)Relativ'SignVirtuous signat'reT'is be a virtuous signat're!No good hornswagglin' signat're!T'is signature nay verify!Sign/ver'fy!T'is page be lettin' ye sign/verify argh mess'ge (or file contents) wit' ye addr'ss.Mess'ge!Brows'!Verify thee mess'geVerify thee fileAddr'ssYe best be choosin' a file to sign!Ye best be choosin' a file to verify!Signat'reStandardDialogDoubl' tap to copy!Content copi'd to ye scrollStandardDropdownHalf-pint (x1 fee)Mod'rate (x20 fee)Big-stiff (x166 fee)Laggard (x0.25 fee)Run-o-thee-mill (x1 fee)Fleet-foot'd (x5 fee)Breakneck (x41.5 fee)Acquir'dTableDropdown<b>Copy ye addr'ss to ye scroll</b><b>Send ye to t'is addr'ss</b><b>Discov'r similar transact'ons</b><b>Remov' from ye addr'ss journal</b>TransferOpenAlias blund'r!Thee Transaction priorityResolv'Thar be no valid addr'ss be found at t'is OpenAlias addr'ss ye bilge ratThee Addr'ss be found, but thee DNSSEC signat'res nay can be verifi'd, so thee addr'ss may be spoof'd o' sunkenThar be No valid addr'ss be found at t'is OpenAlias addr'ss, but thee DNSSEC signat'res nay be verifi'd, so thee addr'ss may be spoof'd o' sunkenBlund'r below thee decks!Thar be No addr'ss foundStockpil'd to thee local wall't history!Send!Sweep thee Unmixabl'Constr'ct tx fileSign thee tx fileSubmit thee tx fileBlunder!Informat'onSel'ct a file ye filthy swineYe Accustom'd (x1 fee)Capt'ns optionsCan't be loadin' thee unsign'd transaction: Number o' transact'ons: Transact'on #%1Thee Recipi'nt: Paym'nt IDRingsiz': Confirmat'onCan't be submittin' ye transact'on: XM-ARGHHH be sent succ'ssf'llyYe Wall't no be connect'd to thee daemon.Ye Connect'd daemon no be compatibl' wit thee GUI.
Upgrad' or conn'ct to anoth'r daemon ye lazy seadogHalf-pint (x0.25 fee)Fleet-foot'd! (x0.25 fee)Breakneck! (x41.5 fee)TxKeyIf thar be arghh paym'nt be had sev'ral transactions then ye must be checki' each an' thee results combin'd.Addr'ssProve an' attest ye transact'on!Recipi'nt's wallet addr'ssMess'geOption'l messa'ge against which thee signat're be sign'dGenerate!Check thee transact'onSignat'rePast' tx proofGener'te a proof o' ye incomin'/outgoin' payment by supplyin' thee transaction ID, thee recipient addr'ss and an optional message fer thee scabby sea bass.
Fer thee case of outgoin' payments, ye can get a 'Spend Proof' that prov's thee authorship o' a transaction. In t'is case, ye don't be needin' to specify thee recipient addr'ss.Past' tx IDVerify that funds be paid to arghh addr'ss by supplyin' thee transaction ID, thee recipient addr'ss, the mess'ge used fer signin' and thee signat're.
Fer the case wit' Spend Proof, you don't be needin' to specify thee recipient addr'ss.UtilsWrong passw'rd ye mindless kidney-wipe!Testnet!Stag'netWizardAskPasswordWeak as piss!Run-o-thee-mill!Highly Admirabl'!Giv' yer wall't a password ye hasty-witt'd barnacle!Password!WizardControllerSel'ct a file ye filthy swineWizardCreateDevice1Capt'ns optionsCreate ye wall't!WizardCreateWallet1Ye Mnemonic seed!T'is seed be <b>very</b> important to scribe down an' be keepin' secret from evil pilllag'rs! Do t'is befor' settin' sail! It be all ye need to backup and restore yer wall't.WizardCreateWallet2WizardCreateWallet3WizardCreateWallet4New wall't details:WizardDaemonSettingsStart sailin' a node automatical'y in thee background (recommend'd)Run-o-thee-mill!Conn'ct to argh remote nodeWizardHomeRestor' ye wall't from ye keys o' ye mnemonic seed!Capt'ns optionsWizardLangWizardModeBootstrapWizardModeRemoteNodeWarningWizardModeSelectionWizardNavWizardOpenWallet1Testnet!Stag'netWizardRestoreWallet1Restore ye wallet!Restor' from ye seed!Restor' from ye keys!Ent'r yer 25 (or 24) word mnemonic seed!Ye Account addr'ss (public)Ye View key (privat')Ye Spend key (privat')WizardRestoreWallet2WizardRestoreWallet3WizardRestoreWallet4New wall't details:WizardSummaryWall't pathWizardWalletInputChoose argh dir'ctory ye bootless boar-pig!mainBlunderin' error!Couldn't open thee wall't: Ye Unlock'd balance (waiting for block)Unlock'd balance (~%1 min)Unlock'd balanceWaitin' fer thee daemon to set sail...Waitin' fer thee daemon to reach port...Daemon fail'd to set sail!Ye best be checkin' yer wall't and daemon log fer blunders! Ye can also be tryin' to set sail %1 manually.Can't be creatin' ye transaction: Wrong daemon version: Can't be creat' transaction: Thar be no unmixabl' outputs to sweep ye buoyant bag o' bile!Confirmation!Confirm thee transaction ye spid' kissin' washoon:Waitin' fer thee daemon to syncThee Daemon be synchroniz'd (%1)Ye Wallet be synchroniz'dYe Daemon be synchroniz'dRingsiz': Numb'r o' transactions: Spendin' address index: XM-ARGHHH sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Proof o' paymentCouldn't generat' a proof 'cause o' thee followin' reason:
Paym'nt proof checkBad signatur'!T'is address receiv'd %1 XM-ARGHHH, wit' %2 confirmation(s).Good signatur'!Wrong passw'rd ye mindless kidney-wipe!Warnin'!Blunder: Filesyst'm be read only!Warnin': Thar only %1 GB availabl' on thee device. Blockchain be requirin' ~%2 GB of data.Notice: Thar only %1 GB availabl' on thee device. Blockchain be requirin' ~%2 GB of data.Notice: lmdb fold'r not be found. A new fold'r shall be creat'd.Halt!Ye password be chang'd successfully!Blunder!Tap again to close ye...Daemon be sailin'Daemon shall still be sailin' in thee background when thee GUI be clos'd.Halt thee daemon!Thee Amount be wrong: expect'd number from %1 to %2Insufficient funds poor chum-bucket. Unlock'd balance: %1Couldn't send thee money: Informat'onT'is address be receiv'd %1 XM-ARGHHH, but thee transaction no be yet min'dT'is address receiv'd nothin!Balance (syncin')Bal'nce!Wait now ye slimy bilge-rat...