This is a list of the monero-wallet-rpc calls, their inputs and outputs, and examples of each. The program monero-wallet-rpc replaced the rpc interface that was in simplewallet and then monero-wallet-cli.
All monero-wallet-rpc methods use the same JSON RPC interface. For example:
Note: "@atomic-units" refer to the smallest fraction of 1 XMR according to the monerod implementation. **1 XMR = 1e12 @atomic-units.**
This list has been updated on a frozen code on 2018-09-14 after merged commit bb30a7236725e456138f055f96a634c75ce2b491 (Wallet RPC version 1.3), and at block height 1643308.
* *account_index* - unsigned int; Return balance for this account.
* *address_indices* - array of unsigned int; (Optional) Return balance detail for those subaddresses.
* *balance* - unsigned int; The total balance of the current monero-wallet-rpc in session.
* *unlocked_balance* - unsigned int; Unlocked funds are those funds that are sufficiently deep enough in the Monero blockchain to be considered safe to spend.
* *multisig_import_needed* - boolean; True if importing multisig data is needed for returning a correct balance.
* *per_subaddress* - array of subaddress information; Balance information for each subaddress in an account.
* *address_index* - unsigned int; Index of the subaddress in the account.
* *address* - string; Address at this index. Base58 representation of the public keys.
* *balance* - unsigned int; Balance for the subaddress (locked or unlocked).
* *unlocked_balance* - unsigned int; Unlocked balance for the subaddress.
* *label* - string; Label for the subaddress.
* *num_unspent_outputs* - unsigned int; Number of unspent outputs available for the subaddress.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_balance","params":{"account_index":0,"address_indices":[0,1]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
* *height* - unsigned int; The current monero-wallet-rpc's blockchain height. If the wallet has been offline for a long time, it may need to catch up with the daemon.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_height"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"height": 145545
### **transfer**
Send monero to a number of recipients.
Alias: *None*.
* *destinations* - array of destinations to receive XMR:
* *amount* - unsigned int; Amount to send to each destination, in @atomic-units.
* *address* - string; Destination public address.
* *account_index* - unsigned int; (Optional) Transfer from this account index. (Defaults to 0)
* *subaddr_indices* - array of unsigned int; (Optional) Transfer from this set of subaddresses. (Defaults to 0)
* *priority* - unsigned int; Set a priority for the transaction. Accepted Values are: 0-3 for: default, unimportant, normal, elevated, priority.
* *mixin* - unsigned int; Number of outputs from the blockchain to mix with (0 means no mixing).
* *ring_size* - unsigned int; Number of outputs to mix in the transaction (this output + N decoys from the blockchain).
* *unlock_time* - unsigned int; Number of blocks before the monero can be spent (0 to not add a lock).
* *payment_id* - string; (Optional) Random 32-byte/64-character hex string to identify a transaction.
* *get_tx_key* - boolean; (Optional) Return the transaction key after sending.
* *do_not_relay* - boolean; (Optional) If true, the newly created transaction will not be relayed to the monero network. (Defaults to false)
* *get_tx_hex* - boolean; Return the transaction as hex string after sending (Defaults to false)
* *get_tx_metadata* - boolean; Return the metadata needed to relay the transaction. (Defaults to false)
* *amount* - Amount transferred for the transaction.
* *fee* - Integer value of the fee charged for the txn.
* *multisig_txset* - Set of multisig transactions in the process of being signed (empty for non-multisig).
* *tx_blob* - Raw transaction represented as hex string, if get_tx_hex is true.
* *tx_hash* - String for the publically searchable transaction hash.
* *tx_key* - String for the transaction key if get_tx_key is true, otherwise, blank string.
* *tx_metadata* - Set of transaction metadata needed to relay this transfer later, if get_tx_metadata is true.
* *unsigned_txset* - String. Set of unsigned tx for cold-signing purposes.
Get a list of incoming payments using a given payment id, or a list of payments ids, from a given height. This method is the preferred method over `get_payments` because it has the same functionality but is more extendable. Either is fine for looking up transactions by a single payment ID.
Alias: *None*.
* *payment_ids* - array of: string; Payment IDs used to find the payments (16 characters hex).
* *min_block_height* - unsigned int; The block height at which to start looking for payments.
* *payments* - list of:
* *payment_id* - string; Payment ID matching one of the input IDs.
* *tx_hash* - string; Transaction hash used as the transaction ID.
* *amount* - unsigned int; Amount for this payment.
* *block_height* - unsigned int; Height of the block that first confirmed this payment.
* *unlock_time* - unsigned int; Time (in block height) until this payment is safe to spend.
* *subaddr_index* - subaddress index:
* *major* - unsigned int; Account index for the subaddress.
* *minor* - unsigned int; Index of the subaddress in the account.
* *address* - string; Address receiving the payment; Base58 representation of the public keys.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_bulk_payments","params":{"payment_ids":["60900e5603bf96e3"],"min_block_height":"120000"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Return a list of incoming transfers to the wallet.
* *transfer_type* - string; "all": all the transfers, "available": only transfers which are not yet spent, OR "unavailable": only transfers which are already spent.
* *account_index* - unsigned int; (Optional) Return transfers for this account. (defaults to 0)
* *subaddr_indices* - array of unsigned int; (Optional) Return transfers sent to these subaddresses.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"stop_wallet"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
### **rescan_blockchain**
Rescan the blockchain from scratch, losing any information which can not be recovered from the blockchain itself.
This includes destination addresses, tx secret keys, tx notes, etc.
Alias: *None*.
Inputs: *None*.
Outputs: *None*.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"rescan_blockchain"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
### **set_tx_notes**
Set arbitrary string notes for transactions.
Alias: *None*.
* *txids* - array of string; transaction ids
* *notes* - array of string; notes for the transactions
Outputs: *None*.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"set_tx_notes","params":{"txids":["3292e83ad28fc1cc7bc26dbd38862308f4588680fbf93eae3e803cddd1bd614f"],"notes":["This is an example"]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
### **get_tx_notes**
Get string notes for transactions.
Alias: *None*.
* *txids* - array of string; transaction ids
* *notes* - array of string; notes for the transactions
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_tx_notes","params":{"txids":["3292e83ad28fc1cc7bc26dbd38862308f4588680fbf93eae3e803cddd1bd614f"]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"notes": ["This is an example"]
### **set_attribute**
Set arbitrary attribute.
Alias: *None*.
* *key* - string; attribute name
* *value* - string; attribute value
Outputs: *None*.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"set_attribute","params":{"key":"my_attribute","value":"my_value"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
### **get_attribute**
Get attribute value by name.
Alias: *None*.
* *key* - string; attribute name
* *value* - string; attribute value
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_attribute","params":{"key":"my_attribute"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"value": "my_value"
### **get_tx_key**
Get transaction secret key from transaction id.
Alias: *None*.
* *txid* - string; transaction id.
* *tx_key* - string; transaction secret key.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_tx_key","params":{"txid":"19d5089f9469db3d90aca9024dfcb17ce94b948300101c8345a5e9f7257353be"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Check a transaction in the blockchain with its secret key.
Alias: *None*.
* *txid* - string; transaction id.
* *tx_key* - string; transaction secret key.
* *address* - string; destination public address of the transaction.
* *confirmations* - unsigned int; Number of block mined after the one with the transaction.
* *in_pool* - boolean; States if the transaction is still in pool or has been added to a block.
* *received* - unsigned int; Amount of the transaction.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"check_tx_key","params":{"txid":"19d5089f9469db3d90aca9024dfcb17ce94b948300101c8345a5e9f7257353be","tx_key":"feba662cf8fb6d0d0da18fc9b70ab28e01cc76311278fdd7fe7ab16360762b06","address":"7BnERTpvL5MbCLtj5n9No7J5oE5hHiB3tVCK5cjSvCsYWD2WRJLFuWeKTLiXo5QJqt2ZwUaLy2Vh1Ad51K7FNgqcHgjW85o"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"confirmations": 0,
"in_pool": false,
"received": 1000000000000
### **get_tx_proof**
Get transaction signature to prove it.
Alias: *None*.
* *txid* - string; transaction id.
* *address* - string; destination public address of the transaction.
* *message* - string; (Optional) add a message to the signature to further authenticate the prooving process.
* *signature* - string; transaction signature.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_tx_proof","params":{"txid":"19d5089f9469db3d90aca9024dfcb17ce94b948300101c8345a5e9f7257353be","address":"7BnERTpvL5MbCLtj5n9No7J5oE5hHiB3tVCK5cjSvCsYWD2WRJLFuWeKTLiXo5QJqt2ZwUaLy2Vh1Ad51K7FNgqcHgjW85o","message":"this is my transaction"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
* *address* - string; destination public address of the transaction.
* *message* - string; (Optional) Should be the same message used in `get_tx_proof`.
* *signature* - string; transaction signature to confirm.
* *confirmations* - unsigned int; Number of block mined after the one with the transaction.
* *good* - boolean; States if the inputs proves the transaction.
* *in_pool* - boolean; States if the transaction is still in pool or has been added to a block.
* *received* - unsigned int; Amount of the transaction.
In the example below, the transaction has been proven:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"check_tx_proof","params":{"txid":"19d5089f9469db3d90aca9024dfcb17ce94b948300101c8345a5e9f7257353be","address":"7BnERTpvL5MbCLtj5n9No7J5oE5hHiB3tVCK5cjSvCsYWD2WRJLFuWeKTLiXo5QJqt2ZwUaLy2Vh1Ad51K7FNgqcHgjW85o","message":"this is my transaction","signature":"InProofV13vqBCT6dpSAXkypZmSEMPGVnNRFDX2vscUYeVS4WnSVnV5BwLs31T9q6Etfj9Wts6tAxSAS4gkMeSYzzLS7Gt4vvCSQRh9niGJMUDJsB5hTzb2XJiCkUzWkkcjLFBBRVD5QZ"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"confirmations": 482,
"good": true,
"in_pool": false,
"received": 1000000000000
In the example below, the wrong message is used, avoiding the transaction to be proved:
Generate a signature to prove a spend. Unlike proving a transaction, it does not requires the destination public address.
Alias: *None*.
* *txid* - string; transaction id.
* *message* - string; (Optional) add a message to the signature to further authenticate the prooving process.
* *signature* - string; spend signature.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_spend_proof","params":{"txid":"19d5089f9469db3d90aca9024dfcb17ce94b948300101c8345a5e9f7257353be","message":"this is my transaction"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Prove a spend using a signature. Unlike proving a transaction, it does not requires the destination public address.
Alias: *None*.
* *txid* - string; transaction id.
* *message* - string; (Optional) Should be the same message used in `get_spend_proof`.
* *signature* - string; spend signature to confirm.
* *good* - boolean; States if the inputs proves the spend.
In the example below, the spend has been proven:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"check_spend_proof","params":{"txid":"19d5089f9469db3d90aca9024dfcb17ce94b948300101c8345a5e9f7257353be","message":"this is my transaction","signature":"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"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"good": true
In the example below, the wrong message is used, avoiding the spend to be proved:
Proves a wallet has a disposable reserve using a signature.
Alias: *None*.
* *address* - string; Public address of the wallet.
* *message* - string; (Optional) Should be the same message used in `get_reserve_proof`.
* *signature* - string; reserve signature to confirm.
* *good* - boolean; States if the inputs proves the reserve.
In the example below, the reserve has been proven:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"check_reserve_proof","params":{"address":"55LTR8KniP4LQGJSPtbYDacR7dz8RBFnsfAKMaMuwUNYX6aQbBcovzDPyrQF9KXF9tVU6Xk3K8no1BywnJX6GvZX8yJsXvt","signature":"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"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"good": true,
"spent": 0,
"total": 100000000000
In the example below, all wallet reserve has been proven:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"check_reserve_proof","params":{"address":"55LTR8KniP4LQGJSPtbYDacR7dz8RBFnsfAKMaMuwUNYX6aQbBcovzDPyrQF9KXF9tVU6Xk3K8no1BywnJX6GvZX8yJsXvt","message":"I have 10 at least","signature":"...signature..."}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"good": true,
"spent": 0,
"total": 164113855714662789
In the example below, the wrong message is used, avoiding the reserve to be proved:
* *in* - boolean; (Optional) Include incoming transfers.
* *out* - boolean; (Optional) Include outgoing transfers.
* *pending* - boolean; (Optional) Include pending transfers.
* *failed* - boolean; (Optional) Include failed transfers.
* *pool* - boolean; (Optional) Include transfers from the daemon's transaction pool.
* *filter_by_height* - boolean; (Optional) Filter transfers by block height.
* *min_height* - unsigned int; (Optional) Minimum block height to scan for transfers, if filtering by height is enabled.
* *max_height* - unsigned int; (Opional) Maximum block height to scan for transfers, if filtering by height is enabled (defaults to max block height).
* *account_index* - unsigned int; (Optional) Index of the account to query for transfers. (defaults to 0)
* *subaddr_indices* - array of unsigned int; (Optional) List of subaddress indices to query for transfers. (defaults to 0)
* *in* array of transfers:
* *address* - string; Public address of the transfer.
* *amount* - unsigned int; Amount transferred.
* *confirmations* - unsigned int; Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).
* *double_spend_seen* - boolean; True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.
* *fee* - unsigned int; Transaction fee for this transfer.
* *height* - unsigned int; Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer (0 if not mined yet).
* *note* - string; Note about this transfer.
* *payment_id* - string; Payment ID for this transfer.
* *subaddr_index* - JSON object containing the major & minor subaddress index:
* *major* - unsigned int; Account index for the subaddress.
* *minor* - unsigned int; Index of the subaddress under the account.
* *suggested_confirmations_threshold* - unsigned int; Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.
* *timestamp* - unsigned int; POSIX timestamp for when this transfer was first confirmed in a block (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).
* *txid* - string; Transaction ID for this transfer.
* *type* - string; Transfer type: "in"
* *unlock_time* - unsigned int; Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.
* *out* array of transfers (see above).
* *pending* array of transfers (see above).
* *failed* array of transfers (see above).
* *pool* array of transfers (see above).
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_transfers","params":{"in":true,"account_index":1}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
* *address* - string; Address that transferred the funds. Base58 representation of the public keys.
* *amount* - unsigned int; Amount of this transfer.
* *confirmations* - unsigned int; Number of block mined since the block containing this transaction (or block height at which the transaction should be added to a block if not yet confirmed).
* *destinations* - array of JSON objects containing transfer destinations:
* *amount* - unsigned int; Amount transferred to this destination.
* *address* - string; Address for this destination. Base58 representation of the public keys.
* *double_spend_seen* - boolean; True if the key image(s) for the transfer have been seen before.
* *fee* - unsigned int; Transaction fee for this transfer.
* *height* - unsigned int; Height of the first block that confirmed this transfer.
* *note* - string; Note about this transfer.
* *payment_id* - string; Payment ID for this transfer.
* *subaddr_index* - JSON object containing the major & minor subaddress index:
* *major* - unsigned int; Account index for the subaddress.
* *minor* - unsigned int; Index of the subaddress under the account.
* *suggested_confirmations_threshold* - unsigned int; Estimation of the confirmations needed for the transaction to be included in a block.
* *timestamp* - unsigned int; POSIX timestamp for the block that confirmed this transfer (or timestamp submission if not mined yet).
* *txid* - string; Transaction ID of this transfer (same as input TXID).
* *type* - string; Type of transfer, one of the following: "in", "out", "pending", "failed", "pool"
* *unlock_time* - unsigned int; Number of blocks until transfer is safely spendable.
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:18082/json_rpc -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_transfer_by_txid","params":{"txid":"c36258a276018c3a4bc1f195a7fb530f50cd63a4fa765fb7c6f7f49fc051762a"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
* *signature* - string; Signature generated against the "data" and the account public address.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"sign","params":{"data":"This is sample data to be signed"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
* *address* - string; Public address of the wallet used to `sign` the data.
* *signature* - string; signature generated by `sign` method.
* *good* - boolean;
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"verify","params":{"data":"This is sample data to be signed","address":"55LTR8KniP4LQGJSPtbYDacR7dz8RBFnsfAKMaMuwUNYX6aQbBcovzDPyrQF9KXF9tVU6Xk3K8no1BywnJX6GvZX8yJsXvt","signature":"SigV14K6G151gycjiGxjQ74tKX6A2LwwghvuHjcDeuRFQio5LS6Gb27BNxjYQY1dPuUvXkEbGQUkiHSVLPj4nJAHRrrw3"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"good": true
### **export_outputs**
Export all outputs in hex format.
Alias: *None*.
Inputs: *None*.
* *outputs_data_hex* - string; wallet outputs in hex format.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"export_outputs"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"outputs_data_hex": "...outputs..."
### **import_outputs**
Import outputs in hex format.
Alias: *None*.
* *outputs_data_hex* - string; wallet outputs in hex format.
* *num_imported* - unsigned int; number of outputs imported.
$ curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"import_outputs","params":{"outputs_data_hex":"...outputs..."}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"num_imported": 6400
### **export_key_images**
Export a signed set of key images.
Alias: *None*.
Inputs: *None*.
* *signed_key_images* - array of signed key images:
* *key_image* - string;
* *signature* - string;
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:18082/json_rpc -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"export_key_images"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Get RPC version Major & Minor integer-format, where Major is the first 16 bits and Minor the last 16 bits.
Alias: *None*.
Inputs: *None*.
* *version* - unsigned int; RPC version, formatted with `Major * 2^16 + Minor` (Major encoded over the first 16 bits, and Minor over the last 16 bits).
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:18082/json_rpc -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_version"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'