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synced 2025-02-25 20:35:27 +02:00
Merge !1127
Add Trezor to the supported hardware wallets Closes #988 See merge request monero-project/monero-site!1127
This commit is contained in:
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: محفظه صلبه مخصصه
hardware3: which is now in progress. Moreover, since CLI 0.12.1 and GUI 0.12.3 Ledger has
hardware4: integrated Monero into their hardware wallets.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1
mobilelight1: محافظ الهاتف او المحافظ الخفيفه التاليه تعتبر آمنه بواسطه أعضاء موثوق بهم من المجتمع. إذا كان هناك محفظه ليست معروضه هنا يمكنك طلب فحصها من قبل المجتمع. إذهب إلي
mobilelight2: الملتقي
mobilelight3: للتواصل معنا
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: eigene Hardware-Wallet
hardware3: finanziert, die aktuell in Entwicklung ist. Zusätzlich hat seit CLI 0.12.1 und GUI 0.12.3 Ledger
hardware4: Monero in ihre Hardware-Wallets integriert.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1
mobilelight1: Nachfolgend aufgeführt sind einige Light- und Mobile-Wallets, die von der Community als sicher erachtet werden. Fehlt deiner Meinung nach eine Wallet hier, kannst du diese Wallet gerne der Community vorstellen. Gehe zu unseren
mobilelight2: Hangouts
mobilelight3: ", um zu sehen, wo wir so sind."
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: Dedicated Hardware Wallet
hardware3: which is now in progress. Moreover, since CLI 0.12.1 and GUI 0.12.3 Ledger has
hardware4: integrated Monero into their hardware wallets.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1.
mobilelight1: The following are mobile or light wallets that are deemed safe by trusted members of the community. If there is a wallet that is not on here, you can request the community check it out. Go to our
mobilelight2: Hangouts
mobilelight3: page to see where we are.
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: Monedero de Hardware Dedicado
hardware3: que ya está en progreso. Moreover, since CLI 0.12.1 and GUI 0.12.3 Ledger has
hardware4: integrated Monero into their hardware wallets.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1.
mobilelight1: Los siguientes son monederos móviles y livianos que los miembros de confianza de la comunidad consideran seguros. Si hay un monedero que no está aquí, puedes solicitar que la comunidad lo revise. Ve a nuestra página de
mobilelight2: Medios de Comunicación
mobilelight3: para ver en dónde realizar la petición.
@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: Portefeuille Matériel Dédié
hardware3: qui est en cours d'avancement. De plus, depuis la CLI 0.12.1 et la GUI 0.12.3 Ledger a
hardware4: intégré Monero dans leurs portefeuilles matériels.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1
mobilelight1: Ci-dessous des portefeuilles mobiles ou légers jugés sûrs par des membres de confiance de la communauté. Si un portefeuille n'est pas cité ici, vous pouvez demander à la communauté de le vérifier. Allez à la page
mobilelight2: Rencontres
mobilelight3: pour voir où nous sommes.
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: Portafoglio Hardware Dedicato
hardware3: che è in fase di progettazione. Inoltre, dalla versione CLI 0.12.1 e GUI 0.12.3 Ledger ha
hardware4: integrato Monero nei loro portafogli hardware.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1.
mobilelight1: I seguenti sono portafogli mobili o leggeri (light wallet) considerati sicuri da membri fidati della comunità. Se esiste un portafoglio che non compare in questa lista, puoi chiedere alla comunità di controllarlo. Vai alla nostra
mobilelight2: Lista canali
mobilelight3: per vedere dove trovarci.
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: gespecialiseerde hardware-wallet
hardware3: waar nu aan gewerkt wordt. Bovendien heeft Ledger sinds CLI 0.12.1 en GUI 0.12.3
hardware4: Monero geïntegreerd in hun hardware-wallets.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1.
mobilelight1: Dit zijn mobiele portemonnees of light wallets die veilig worden geacht door vertrouwde leden van de community. Als een portemonnee hier niet bij staat, kun je de community vragen om ernaar te kijken. Op de pagina
mobilelight2: Ontmoetingsplekken
mobilelight3: staat waar je ons kunt vinden.
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: Dedykowany Portfel Sprzętowy
hardware3: który jest w trakcie opracowania. Moreover, since CLI 0.12.1 and GUI 0.12.3 Ledger has
hardware4: integrated Monero into their hardware wallets.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1.
mobilelight1: Poniżej znajdują się portfele mobilne i lżejsze, uważane za bezpieczne przez zaufanych członków społeczności. Jeśli jakiś portfel nie znajduje się na liście, poproś społeczność o sprawdzenie go. Przejdź do strony z naszymi
mobilelight2: Hangoutami
mobilelight3: i zobacz, gdzie można nas spotkać.
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: carteira hardware dedicada
hardware3: que está em desenvolvimento. Além disso, desde as versões CLI 0.12.1 e GUI 0.12.3 a empresa Ledger
hardware4: integrou Monero em suas carteiras hardware.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1.
mobilelight1: Essas são carteiras lite ou para celular que foram consideradas seguras por membros confiáveis da comunidade. Se você conhecer uma carteira que não está aqui, você pode pedir para que a comunidade a verifique. Veja a página
mobilelight2: Fóruns & Grupos
mobilelight3: para saber onde nos encontrar.
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: унифицированный аппаратный кошелек
hardware3: разработка которого в настоящее время все еще продолжается. Кроме того, Ledger работает над
hardware4: интеграцией Monero в свои аппаратные кошельки.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1
mobilelight1: Ниже приведен список мобильных или легких кошельков, которые признаны надежными всем сообществом Monero. Если есть какой-то кошелек или разработка, которые здесь не указаны, вы можете попросить сообщество провести его аудит. Перейдите к
mobilelight2: Месту встречи,
mobilelight3: чтобы увидеть, как с нами связаться.
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: Özel Donanım Cüzdanı
hardware3: fonlamıştır. Dahası CLI 0.12.1 ve GUI 0.12.3'ten beri Ledger
hardware4: Monero'yu donanım cüzdanlarına entegre etmiştir.
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1.
mobilelight1: Aşağıdakiler topluluğun güvenilen üyeleri tarafından güvenli olarak görülen mobil veya hafif cüzdanlardır. Eğer burada olmayan bir cüzdan varsa topluluktan kontrol etmesini isteyebilirsiniz. Nerede olduklarını görüntülemek için
mobilelight2: Buluşmalar
mobilelight3: sayfasına gidin.
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: 专用硬件钱包,
hardware3: 目前正在开发中。自CLI 0.12.1和GUI 0.12.3 版本后,Ledger已经
hardware4: 将门罗币集成到硬件钱包中。
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1.
mobilelight1: 以下是受到社区成员信任的手机钱包/轻钱包。如果这里还有尚未列出的钱包,您可以到
mobilelight2: 社区
mobilelight3: 来通知我们。
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ downloads:
hardware2: 專門的硬體錢包開發專案
hardware3: 正在進行中。不過自從在版本 CLI 0.12.1 和 GUI 0.12.3 之後 Ledger 已成功
hardware4: 整合門羅幣至他們的硬體錢包。
hardware5: Trezor model T supports Monero since version 0.14.1.
mobilelight1: 以下是數個行動版錢包或輕錢包已被門羅幣社群認可為安全的選擇。如果有錢包沒有被列在上面的,你可以先到社群上請求大家來試用看看,可以到
mobilelight2: 聊天室
mobilelight3: 頁面找到社群所在。
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ permalink: /downloads/index.html
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<p>{% t downloads.hardware1 %} <a href="https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/88149/dedicated-monero-hardware-wallet" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">{% t downloads.hardware2 %}</a> {% t downloads.hardware3 %} <a href="https://github.com/LedgerHQ/blue-app-monero" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer, noopener">{% t downloads.hardware4 %}</a></p>
<p>{% t downloads.hardware5 %}</p>
{% elsif data_downloads.id == "mobilelight" %}
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