diff --git a/_i18n/ar.yml b/_i18n/ar.yml
index f3eadbe1..9c2dadd7 100644
--- a/_i18n/ar.yml
+++ b/_i18n/ar.yml
@@ -228,25 +228,16 @@ press-kit:
large: كبير
symbol_file: الرمز .ai ملف
logo_file: الشعار .ai ملف
- documents:
- - category: Press Documentation
- publications:
- - name: "Quick-Facts Sheet"
- url_file: "http://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts.pdf"
- abstract: >
- A quick and easy to read document to know everything about Monero: history, key differentiating factors, technical fundamentals, and features in development.
- See Monero Outreach website for more information.
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: Press Documentation
+ quickfacts: "Quick-Facts Sheet"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ A quick and easy to read document to know everything about Monero: history, key differentiating factors, technical fundamentals, and features in development.
+ See Monero Outreach website for more information.
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: تعليمات واجهه سطر الاوامر
diff --git a/_i18n/de.yml b/_i18n/de.yml
index 7ae861a7..e60a9794 100644
--- a/_i18n/de.yml
+++ b/_i18n/de.yml
@@ -228,25 +228,16 @@ press-kit:
large: Groß
symbol_file: Symbol .ai-Datei
logo_file: Logo .ai-Datei
- documents:
- - category: Presseunterlagen
- publications:
- - name: "Kurzübersicht (englisch)"
- url_file: "http://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts.pdf"
- abstract: >
- Ein kurzer Abriss des Grundwissens um Monero: Geschichte, herausstechende Unterscheidungsmerkmale, technische Grundlagen und Besonderheiten der Entwicklung.
- Auf der Webseite Monero Outreachs gibt es weitere Informationen.
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: Presseunterlagen
+ quickfacts: "Kurzübersicht (englisch)"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ Ein kurzer Abriss des Grundwissens um Monero: Geschichte, herausstechende Unterscheidungsmerkmale, technische Grundlagen und Besonderheiten der Entwicklung.
+ Auf der Webseite Monero Outreachs gibt es weitere Informationen.
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: Anleitungen für das Befehlszeilenprogramm
diff --git a/_i18n/es.yml b/_i18n/es.yml
index 33563156..0a67aa7a 100644
--- a/_i18n/es.yml
+++ b/_i18n/es.yml
@@ -228,25 +228,16 @@ press-kit:
large: Grande
symbol_file: Símbolo en archivo .ai
logo_file: Logo en archivo .ai
- documents:
- - category: Documentación de Prensa
- publications:
- - name: "Hoja de Datos"
- url_file: "http://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts_es.pdf"
- abstract: >
- Una hoja de datos fácil de leer para conocer todo acerca de Monero: historia, factores clave de diferenciación, fundamentos técnicos y características en desarrollo.
- Visita el sitio web de Monero Outreach para mayor información.
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: Documentación de Prensa
+ quickfacts: "Hoja de Datos"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ Una hoja de datos fácil de leer para conocer todo acerca de Monero: historia, factores clave de diferenciación, fundamentos técnicos y características en desarrollo.
+ Visita el sitio web de Monero Outreach para mayor información.
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: Instrucciones para la interfaz de Consola de Comandos
diff --git a/_i18n/fr.yml b/_i18n/fr.yml
index 5a37cc45..5b421d26 100644
--- a/_i18n/fr.yml
+++ b/_i18n/fr.yml
@@ -230,25 +230,16 @@ press-kit:
large: Grand
symbol_file: Symbole au format .ai
logo_file: Logo au format .ai
- documents:
- - category: Press Documentation
- publications:
- - name: "Quelques Faits"
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts_fr.pdf"
- abstract: >
- Un document rapide et facile à lire pour tout savoir de Monero: historique, points clefs différenciateurs, fondamentaux techniques, et fonctionnalités en développement.
- Voir le site web de Monero Outreach pour plus d'informations.
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: Press Documentation
+ quickfacts: "Quelques Faits"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ Un document rapide et facile à lire pour tout savoir de Monero: historique, points clefs différenciateurs, fondamentaux techniques, et fonctionnalités en développement.
+ Voir le site web de Monero Outreach pour plus d'informations.
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: Instructions pour l'Interface en Ligne de Commande (CLI)
diff --git a/_i18n/it.yml b/_i18n/it.yml
index 8b115f48..2d73a7c2 100644
--- a/_i18n/it.yml
+++ b/_i18n/it.yml
@@ -230,25 +230,16 @@ press-kit:
large: Grande
symbol_file: File .ai del simbolo
logo_file: File .ai del logo
- documents:
- - category: Documentazione per la stampa
- publications:
- - name: "Quick-Facts Sheet (inglese)"
- url_file: "http://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts.pdf"
- abstract: >
- Un documento veloce e semplice da leggere per conoscere tutto ciò che riguarda Monero: la storia, i fattori chiave che lo differenziano, i fondamenti tecnici e le funzionalità in sviluppo.
- Visita il sito Monero Outreach per maggiori informazioni.
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: Documentazione per la stampa
+ quickfacts: "Quick-Facts Sheet (inglese)"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ Un documento veloce e semplice da leggere per conoscere tutto ciò che riguarda Monero: la storia, i fattori chiave che lo differenziano, i fondamenti tecnici e le funzionalità in sviluppo.
+ Visita il sito Monero Outreach per maggiori informazioni.
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: Istruzioni per l'interfaccia a riga di comando (CLI)
diff --git a/_i18n/nl.yml b/_i18n/nl.yml
index b37b2196..d1ba3d09 100644
--- a/_i18n/nl.yml
+++ b/_i18n/nl.yml
@@ -228,25 +228,16 @@ press-kit:
large: Groot
symbol_file: .ai-bestand symbool
logo_file: .ai-bestand logo
- documents:
- - category: Persmap
- publications:
- - name: "Quick-Facts Sheet"
- url_file: "http://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts.pdf"
- abstract: >
- Een vlot leesbaar document waarin de hoofdpunten van Monero worden uitgelegd: geschiedenis, unieke eigenschappen, technische basis en functies die nog worden ontwikkeld.
- Zie de website Monero Outreach voor meer informatie.
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: Persmap
+ quickfacts: "Quick-Facts Sheet"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ Een vlot leesbaar document waarin de hoofdpunten van Monero worden uitgelegd: geschiedenis, unieke eigenschappen, technische basis en functies die nog worden ontwikkeld.
+ Zie de website Monero Outreach voor meer informatie.
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: Instructies voor de opdrachtregel-interface (CLI)
diff --git a/_i18n/pl.yml b/_i18n/pl.yml
index a56e8968..632d50cb 100644
--- a/_i18n/pl.yml
+++ b/_i18n/pl.yml
@@ -228,25 +228,16 @@ press-kit:
large: Duży
symbol_file: Symbol .ai
logo_file: Logo .ai
- documents:
- - category: Press Documentation
- publications:
- - name: "Quick-Facts Sheet"
- url_file: "http://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts.pdf"
- abstract: >
- A quick and easy to read document to know everything about Monero: history, key differentiating factors, technical fundamentals, and features in development.
- See Monero Outreach website for more information.
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: Press Documentation
+ quickfacts: "Quick-Facts Sheet"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ A quick and easy to read document to know everything about Monero: history, key differentiating factors, technical fundamentals, and features in development.
+ See Monero Outreach website for more information.
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: Instrukcje dla Interfejsu Wiersza Poleceń
diff --git a/_i18n/pt-br.yml b/_i18n/pt-br.yml
index ca181021..c76ccf14 100644
--- a/_i18n/pt-br.yml
+++ b/_i18n/pt-br.yml
@@ -228,25 +228,16 @@ press-kit:
large: Grande
symbol_file: Arquivo .ai do símbolo
logo_file: Arquivo .ai do logo
- documents:
- - category: Documento para Imprensa
- publications:
- - name: "Documento de Fatos Rápidos (em inglês)"
- url_file: "http://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts.pdf"
- abstract: >
- Um documento rápido e fácil de ler para saber tudo sobre o Monero: história, principais fatores de diferenciação, fundamentos técnicos e recursos de desenvolvimento.
- Veja o website Monero Outreach para mais informações.
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: Documento para Imprensa
+ quickfacts: "Documento de Fatos Rápidos (em inglês)"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ Um documento rápido e fácil de ler para saber tudo sobre o Monero: história, principais fatores de diferenciação, fundamentos técnicos e recursos de desenvolvimento.
+ Veja o website Monero Outreach para mais informações.
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: Instruções para a interface em linha de comando
diff --git a/_i18n/tr.yml b/_i18n/tr.yml
index 8801b899..2fe6c32a 100644
--- a/_i18n/tr.yml
+++ b/_i18n/tr.yml
@@ -228,25 +228,16 @@ press-kit:
large: Büyük
symbol_file: Sembol .ai dosyası
logo_file: Logo .ai dosyası
- documents:
- - category: Basın Belgelendirmesi
- publications:
- - name: "Hızlı Gerçekler Tablosu"
- url_file: "http://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts.pdf"
- abstract: >
- Monero hakkındaki her şeyi öğrenmek için okuması hızlı ve kolay bir belge: tarihi, önemli farklılaştıran etkenleri, teknik temel prensipleri ve gelişimdeki özellikleri.
- Daha fazla bilgi için Monero Outreach sayfasını görüntüleyin.
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: Basın Belgelendirmesi
+ quickfacts: "Hızlı Gerçekler Tablosu"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ Monero hakkındaki her şeyi öğrenmek için okuması hızlı ve kolay bir belge: tarihi, önemli farklılaştıran etkenleri, teknik temel prensipleri ve gelişimdeki özellikleri.
+ Daha fazla bilgi için Monero Outreach sayfasını görüntüleyin.
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: Komut-Satırı Arayüzü için Talimatlar
diff --git a/_i18n/zh-cn.yml b/_i18n/zh-cn.yml
index 89d0065c..e492b0e8 100644
--- a/_i18n/zh-cn.yml
+++ b/_i18n/zh-cn.yml
@@ -228,26 +228,16 @@ press-kit:
large: 大
symbol_file: 标志.ai 文件
logo_file: LOGO.ai 文件
- documents:
- - category: 文档阅读
- publications:
- - name: "门罗币简介"
- url_file: "http://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts.pdf"
- abstract: >
- 这份门罗币简介可以帮你快速了解有关门罗币的所有内容: 门罗币的历史、和其他币的关键性差异、技术基础以及正在开发的功能。
- 浏览 门罗币宣传组 以获取更多信息。
- marketing:
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: 文档阅读
+ quickfacts: "门罗币简介"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ 这份门罗币简介可以帮你快速了解有关门罗币的所有内容: 门罗币的历史、和其他币的关键性差异、技术基础以及正在开发的功能。
+ 浏览 门罗币宣传组 以获取更多信息。
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: 命令行界面的说明
diff --git a/_i18n/zh-tw.yml b/_i18n/zh-tw.yml
index 0f140371..454d38e9 100644
--- a/_i18n/zh-tw.yml
+++ b/_i18n/zh-tw.yml
@@ -228,25 +228,16 @@ press-kit:
large: 大
symbol_file: 圖案 .ai 原始圖檔
logo_file: 標誌 .ai 原始圖檔
- documents:
- - category: 新聞稿文件
- publications:
- - name: "懶人包"
- url_file: "http://www.monerooutreach.org/pubs/2018/QuickFacts/QuickFacts.pdf"
- abstract: >
- 一份可以快速全面了解門羅幣的讀物: 發展歷史、關鍵的獨特之處、技術的奠基與開發中的功能。
- 參訪 Monero Outreach 網站以查看更多資訊。
- marketing:
- - category: Marketing Material
- publications:
- - name: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
- url_file: "https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/dont-buy-monero-sticker"
- abstract: >
- Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
- - name: Guerrilla Toolkit
- url_file: "https://www.monerooutreach.org/guerrilla-toolkit.php"
- abstract: >
- A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
+ pressdoc: 新聞稿文件
+ quickfacts: "懶人包"
+ quickfactsp: >
+ 一份可以快速全面了解門羅幣的讀物: 發展歷史、關鍵的獨特之處、技術的奠基與開發中的功能。
+ 參訪 Monero Outreach 網站以查看更多資訊。
+ marketing: Marketing Material
+ dontbuysticker: "The 'Don't buy Monero' sticker"
+ dontbuystickerp: Spread Monero everywhere with the help of this sticker. Available in multiple languages and formats (vectors included).
+ guerrillakit: Guerrilla Toolkit
+ guerrillakitp: A document created by the Monero Outreach workgroup containing materials and tips for an effective guerrilla marketing campaign.
title: 指令界面工具的使用說明