{% assign disclaimer = "" %}

<!-- If the English version is outdated, all versions (for all languages) will be outdated. No need to check the state of the translations. -->
{% if page.outdated %}
<div class="disclaimer">
    <p>{% t global.outdated %}</p>

<!-- If page is translated but the English version got updated, the translation is outdated -->
{% elsif include.translationOutdated == "yes" %}
    {% capture disclaimer %}{% t global.outdatedMin %} <a class="disclaimer-link" href="{{ site.baseurl_root }}{{ page.url }}" >{% t global.outdatedVersion %}</a>.{% endcapture %}

<!-- The page is not translated -->
{% elsif include.translated == "no" %}
    {% capture disclaimer %}{% t global.untranslated %} <a class="disclaimer-link" href="https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/blob/master/README.md">README</a>{% endcapture %}

{% endif %}

<!-- Print the disclaimer if not empty and not English -->
{% if disclaimer != "" and site.lang != "en" %}
<div class="disclaimer">
    <p>{{ disclaimer }}</p>
{% endif %}