--- layout: post title: Logs for the Kovri Dev Meeting Held on 2016-05-08 summary: Mac / BSD support moving forward tags: [dev diaries, i2p, crypto] author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony --- # Logs **\<anonimal>** Hi fluffypony **\<fluffypony>** hiiii **\<fluffypony>** was just about to check if you're around :) **\<anonimal>** Hi everyone, I think meeting-bot is still online **\<fluffypony>** yes it is **\<fluffypony>** coming through loud and clear on this side **\* anonimal** reading backlog **\<anonimal>** Hi moneromoo. **\<anonimal>** Hi psi, uncrustify configs? Can you explain? **\<psi>** uncrustify is a code styler for c/c++ **\<fluffypony>** I've never heard of it, plz tell me more psi? **\<psi>** it auto formats the code **\* psi** gets relevant links **\<psi>** https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify **\<anonimal>** I know that psi, but why for *.conf? **\<psi>** i don;t understand? **\<psi>** what about *.conf? **\<fluffypony>** oh anonimal **\<fluffypony>** not for *.conf **\<fluffypony>** he means conf file for uncrustify matching our coding style **\<psi>** damn lag **\* psi** waits to catch up **\<psi>** fluffypony: right **\* anonimal** back **\<fluffypony>** wb **\<anonimal>** To answer the question, no I don't have an uncrustify config for kovri. **\<anonimal>** Just a simple .vimrc. **\<anonimal>** I can take a look at creating a config after #174 is resolved. **\<anonimal>** fluffypony: I saw your comment in #56, what system are you runnning? **\<fluffypony>** anonimal: Ubuntu 14.04 **\<fluffypony>** and there's no Boost 1.59 / 1.60 available **\<fluffypony>** but that little hack worked **\<anonimal>** 1.54 should work though **\* anonimal** triple checks **\<fluffypony>** I can't use 1.54 **\<fluffypony>** incompatible with Monero **\<psi>** monero needs .56 or higher ? **\<fluffypony>** .55 or higher **\<psi>** kk **\<fluffypony>** so basically .59 or higher if you want both **\<anonimal>** I need about 5-15 minutes to build on bsd and osx so I can open the new linkage error tickets I talked about in #174 **\<fluffypony>** kk **\<psi>** :\ **\* anonimal** the only time I have is now and a bit later but the meeting is now so I want to throw it into the topic **\* anonimal** still compiling, should be done in 5 or so **\<anonimal>** #monero-dev, FYI, our meetings have always been more organized, on-point, and I've almost always been prepared. **\<anonimal>** This one caught me off guard. **\<anonimal>** (last minute suggestion by fluffypony) **\<anonimal>** Sorry for the wait. **\<fluffypony>** don't stress, ours are always by the seat of our pants **\* anonimal** opening tickets **\<anonimal>** Hmf, I need to work with the bsd a bit more before posting. **\<anonimal>** Anyway, https://github.com/monero-project/kovri/issues/175 **\<anonimal>** I'm only sitting with this again since I left off < 24 hours or so ago so, **\<anonimal>** I haven't drawn any conclusions yet. **\<anonimal>** Has anyone seen this before? #monero-dev? **\* fluffypony** clicks **\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: seen anything like that before ? **\<fluffypony>** "Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64" **\<anonimal>** The usual 'Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64' has been an osx complaint on this machine in the past. **\<moneromooo>** Not as such. I've seen plenty of really annoying linking issues though. **\<fluffypony>** this is gcc on OS X tho, right ? **\<anonimal>** fluffypony: Yes. **\<fluffypony>** maybe we're chasing our tails on that **\<anonimal>** I don't have time to deal with clang. If we want multi-distro builds, I need to streamline our process. **\<anonimal>** for macosx, clang won't build because it doesn't like the things I did for the reseed rewrite and, **\<anonimal>** I don't have time to keep-up with llvm development. **\<anonimal>** So, thoughts? **\<fluffypony>** rewrite everything in C :-P **\<anonimal>** lol **\<fluffypony>** ok my suggestion is that we eschew OS X / BSD compatibility for the moment **\<fluffypony>** until we can fix Clang support **\<anonimal>** Thanks moneromoo. I'm glad this isn't just a kovri thing. **\<fluffypony>** rather than trying to fudge it **\<anonimal>** Well that's the problem, this won't be the only issue. **\<fluffypony>** yeah I know **\<anonimal>** And I'll end up wasting time juggling compilers instead of working on other things. **\<fluffypony>** I mean that can be a later piece of work **\<fluffypony>** let's focus on getting it working on one Linux and Windows, where we're running gcc and it's fine **\<anonimal>** fluffypony: what part will be the later piece of work? **\<fluffypony>** anonimal: fixing Clang incompatibilities **\<moneromooo>** I don't use OSX btw, so kinda ignore what I said above. **\<anonimal>** Ok sounds great, I'll focus on linux/win building. **\<anonimal>** Should we remove osx/bsd build instructions from BUILDING.md? **\<anonimal>** Or I'll just open the bsd ticket and maybe someone will see it? **\<fluffypony>** yeah, I think let's make a note that it's broken on OS X / BSD for the moment, and that contributors are welcome to fix **\<fluffypony>** kk **\<anonimal>** Ok, I'll add the note. **\<anonimal>** Any other questions/comments on #175? **\<fluffypony>** no not yet **\<fluffypony>** I mean no not atm, lol **\<anonimal>** Ok, I'll add a note in #174 about what we discussed. **\<anonimal>** And part 1) in #174, apparently there is an env variable I can set to get it to work. **\<anonimal>** Not the first travis issue I've had to deal with. **\<anonimal>** Oh well, they are growing quite nicely IMHO. **\<fluffypony>** travis issues are growing quite nicely ? **\<anonimal>** lol, yes, and I meant their project as a whole. **\<fluffypony>** lol **\<anonimal>** Ok, hour is up. Anything else pressing? **\<fluffypony>** I don't think so - this was kinda an interim meeting because Kovri's was last week **\<fluffypony>** so this brings them into line **\<fluffypony>** next one on May 22nd, same time **\<anonimal>** Ok, I'll mark the calendar. **\<anonimal>** Thanks everyone. **\<fluffypony>** thank you