--- layout: post title: Overview and Logs for the Dev Meeting Held on 2016-05-22 summary: Decisions on PRs still open, performance branch conversion problems, consolidating dev documentation on the GH wiki tags: [dev diaries, core, crypto] author: dEBRUYNE / fluffypony --- *May 22nd, 2016* # Logs **\<fluffypony>** ok **\<fluffypony>** das meeting **\<ArticMine>** has started **\<fluffypony>** heh heh **\<xmrpromotions>** let the fun begin **\<fluffypony>** hyc, smooth, moneromooo, dEBRUYNE, gingeropolous, luigi1112, luigi1114, anyone I've missed **\<fluffypony>** hokay so **\<fluffypony>** first up: for those that haven't done so, please commit to the StackExchange proposal: http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/98617/monero **\<gingeropolous>** oooh i get pinged for dev meetings? :) **\<xmrpromotions>** and earn rep: https://forum.getmonero.org/20/general-discussion/2542/stack-exchange-commitment-requirements **\<fluffypony>** you're basically just committing to asking / answering a total of 10 questions over 3 months **\<fluffypony>** also it would be advantageous if you have over 200 rep on another StackExchange site, as xmrpromotions said **\<fluffypony>** I earned over 200 rep on bitcoin.stackexchange by answering like 4 questions, so it's not hard **\<fluffypony>** ok maybe like 6 questions, but still, not hard **\<fluffypony>** I think getting 200 committers in total will be easy, but having 100 committers with sufficient rep might be a little harder **\<fluffypony>** ok so **\<fluffypony>** PRs **\<fluffypony>** over the last couple of weeks we've merged a few PRs **\<fluffypony>** obviously **\<fluffypony>** the biggest one being the performance branch **\<fluffypony>** which was what warptangent was working on before he passed away **\<fluffypony>** and which was completed by hyc and everyone else **\* dEBRUYNE** pages tewinget, NoodleDoodle, ArticMine, othe **\<dEBRUYNE>** probably missed someone **\<fluffypony>** we are seeing some latent issues with auto-conversions, or that appear to be coming from the auto-conversion **\<fluffypony>** if users hit issues with that the fastest route is for them to sync from scratch **\<fluffypony>** iirc smooth has a broken conversion that we can use to analyse the issue **\<fluffypony>** 810 and 775 are dangling **\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: do you want those to stay open at present ? **\<moneromooo>** 810 might be cancelled, not sure. **\<fluffypony>** ok **\<moneromooo>** 775 is ready AFAIK., **\<fluffypony>** ok will test it **\<fluffypony>** 818 is in a holding pattern pending some discussion; based on what shen has been doing lately my feeling is that we leave that till after RingCT is done **\<fluffypony>** on that note, RingCT seems to be pushing ahead quite nicely **\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: how's it looking from your side ? **\<moneromooo>** I'm not a cryptographer, so I got no clue really :P **\<fluffypony>** hah hah **\<moneromooo>** Once I figure out what goes where, it's just code after that. **\<fluffypony>** I know you're waiting for input from shen, but is it starting to make a bit of sense ? **\<moneromooo>** Though a lot of it I think **\<fluffypony>** kk **\<moneromooo>** Mot yet, but I've not spent a lot of time on it today (and yesterday I was out). **\<fluffypony>** alright **\<saddam>** moneromooo: I want to decrypt it manually so I can detect transactions sent to an integrated address of mine in the tx pool. Is there another way to do it? **\<fluffypony>** then next weekend I'll be at Bitcoin in Use in Arnhem, Netherlands **\<moneromooo>** How will you know it's an integrated address of yours in the first place ? **\<fluffypony>** and there will be several other Monero-er-ains there as well **\<fluffypony>** including some devs, most notably hyc **\<xmrpromotions>** a few ppl told me they want to meet you there:) **\<saddam>** oh it's the meeting, sorry. I'll wait to discuss that later moneromooo **\<fluffypony>** if anyone else is going to be there please let me know, we can do a Monero supper on the Saturday or something **\<fluffypony>** next up is a chat about documentation **\<fluffypony>** wallet42 has raised the idea of opening up the wiki on Github **\<xmrpromotions>** https://twitter.com/Falkvinge/status/731833882102910977 wants to meet you too **\<fluffypony>** the advantages of this is that it keeps the documentation close to the code **\<fluffypony>** and you can PR to the wiki or (I think) edit it inline **\<fluffypony>** xmrpromotions: oh neat **\<fluffypony>** in fact, the wiki creates a .wiki.git project that's invisible-ish **\<fluffypony>** so it makes syncing to GitLab easy (setting up a GitLab mirror is on the list of things to do) **\<fluffypony>** downside is that you can't edit it anonymously, although creating a GH account is trivial **\<fluffypony>** and the other downside is that we have tons of scattered documentation right now **\<fluffypony>** so my thinking is that the wiki is a good idea for documentation, BUT then we need to kill off all these other sources of info **\<dEBRUYNE>** ^ I don't mind putting part of it together **\<fluffypony>** so the Monero wikia has to be shuttered and that info moved over **\<ArticMine>** There is information all over BCT **\<dEBRUYNE>** we could put the guides from Moneroexamples over there too, but he doesn't necessarily have to shutdown his "source" imo **\<fluffypony>** same goes for dev guides etc. on the website - we should instead spend the effort writing a small Ruby plugin for the site that pulls in info from the wiki and formats it appropriately **\<fluffypony>** then the wiki becomes a primary source of info **\<fluffypony>** dEBRUYNE: yeah we could do the same thing with MoneroExamples **\<fluffypony>** just have a plugin that grabs it from his repos and formats it **\<fluffypony>** if anyone has an issue with this speak now or forever hold your peace **\<i2p-relay>** {-anonimal} Such consolidation sounds like a good idea. **\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: Yeah that'd be fine too **\<dEBRUYNE>** as long as it consolidates the information to a central place it's fine **\<fluffypony>** I'll leave the question open till the start of the Kovri meeting, if nobody has major objections raised by then I'll consider the decision in favour of the GitHub wiki **\<ArticMine>** It is actually really needed We have info all over the place **\<fluffypony>** (we discussed this here a few days ago as well, and everyone generally seemed in favour of it) **\<fluffypony>** ArticMine: agreed **\<xmrpromotions>** I like the idea. Consolidation and simplification should hopefully encourage more people to contribute to it **\<fluffypony>** that's it from my side - next meeting will be on the 5th of May, same time **\<fluffypony>** if anyone has anything they want to discuss, or any other points they want to bring up, now's the time **\<fluffypony>** we have 20-ish minutes till the Kovri meeting **\<ArticMine>** I am looking at the fee structure **\<moneromooo>** Does anyone fancy hacking the pool code to check top hash ? **\<moneromooo>** It shold be fairly easy. **\<i2p-relay>** {-anonimal} fluffypony: s/May/June/ **\<dEBRUYNE>** ArticMine: Is your research going to be put in a somewhat formal paper? **\<moneromooo>** er, s/hacking/amending/ for the peanut gallery. **\<ArticMine>** I'll start with a post on getmonero forum to get feedback ideas **\<ArticMine>** then one can develop a paper **\<dEBRUYNE>** all right **\<ArticMine>** Along the lined of my prior post on BCT regarding the adaptive block limit and penalty function. There are issues with respect to to many options in fees with RingCT **\<dEBRUYNE>** Is anyone willing to work on adding Monero to Bitsquare? Afaik it's only a few minor tweaks in the UI code, see issue here -> https://github.com/bitsquare/bitsquare/issues/392 | I might be able to try if I got some more time, emphasis on try though **\<fluffypony>** anonimal: thanks, lol **\<moneromooo>** To th UI of... ? **\<dEBRUYNE>** Bitsquare itself **\<dEBRUYNE>** It needs an additional field for the tx key **\<moneromooo>** Ah, I just saw the screenshot. **\<dEBRUYNE>** It's mainly to resolve disputes, if any occur **\<dEBRUYNE>** Btw fluffypony, any ETA on a new point release that includes the performance branch? Or are we awaiting any more PRs? **\<gingeropolous>** ArticMine, i look forward to the adaptive fee structure thread **\<luigi1112>** Oh high team **\<luigi1112>** Hi team too **\<gingeropolous>** hi luigi1112 **\<fluffypony>** dEBRUYNE: more PRs, also gives us time to see if there are issues with auto-convert **\<fluffypony>** *more issues **\<xmrpromotions>** hi luigi1112 **\<moneromooo>** What would I do if I wanted to try and repro that problem ? just pull, build, run ? **\<dEBRUYNE>** fluffypony: all right **\<gingeropolous>** im just curious... is 0mq gonna happen before ringCT? or ... or all at once? **\<fluffypony>** moneromooo: yeah **\<fluffypony>** gingeropolous: no clue **\<moneromooo>** I'm certainly doing nothing about it. **\<gingeropolous>** well there's months until the next hardfork... though i guess 0mq doesn't affect consensus protocols? **\<dEBRUYNE>** well it was either Ring CT or 0MQ for you afaik moneromooo and I think we decided last time that Ring CT was the priority (this is just to clarify to anyone reading) **\<fluffypony>** ok starting the meeting relay for the Kovri meeting