{% assign version = '1.1.0' | split: '.' %} {% include disclaimer.html translated="true" version=page.version %} ## Importing the Blockchain to Monero GUI wallet (Windows) ### Step 1 Download the Current bootstrap from https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw; you can skip this step if you are importing the Blockchain from another source. ### Step 2 Find the path of your Monero wallet (the folder where you extracted your wallet). For example mine is: `D:\monero-gui-` Your path may be different depending on where you decided to download your wallet and what version of the Monero wallet you have. ### Step 3 Find the path of your downloaded Blockchain for example mine was: `C:\Users\KeeJef\Downloads\blockchain.raw` Yours might be different depending on where you downloaded the Blockchain to. ### Step 4 Open a Command Prompt window. You can do this by pressing the Windows key + R, and then typing in the popup box `CMD` ### Step 5 Now you need to navigate using the CMD window to the path of your Monero wallet. You can do this by typing: `cd C:\YOUR\MONERO\WALLET\FILE\PATH\HERE` It should look something like: `cd D:\monero-gui-` If your Monero wallet is on another drive you can use `DriveLetter:` for example if your Monero wallet was on your D drive then before using the cd command you would do `D:` ### Step 6 Now type in your command prompt window: `monero-blockchain-import --input-file C:\YOUR\BLOCKCHAIN\FILE\PATH\HERE` For example I would type : `monero-blockchain-import --input-file C:\Users\KeeJef\Downloads\blockchain.raw` If you downloaded the Blockchain from a trusted, reputable source you may set `verify 0` this will reduce the amount of time to sync the Blockchain. ### Step 7 After the the Blockchain has finished syncing up you can open your Monero wallet normally. Your downloaded blockchain.raw can be deleted. Author: Kee Jefferys