--- name: Validate Hashes on: push: paths: - 'downloads/hashes.txt' - '_data/downloads.yml' pull_request: paths: - 'downloads/hashes.txt' - '_data/downloads.yml' jobs: validate-hashes: name: Validate Hashes runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install dependencies run: | sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends curl gpg jq python3-pip sudo pip3 install yq - name: Verify hashes.txt signature run: | curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monero-project/monero/master/utils/gpg_keys/binaryfate.asc | gpg --import gpg --verify downloads/hashes.txt - name: Verify filenames run: | lines="$(grep -v ^# downloads/hashes.txt)" SAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' lines=($lines) IFS=$SAVEIFS version_gui=$(awk '/monero-gui-source-v/ {print $2}' downloads/hashes.txt | awk -F".tar.bz2" '{print $1}' | awk -F"-" '{print $4}') version_cli=$(awk '/monero-source-v/ {print $2}' downloads/hashes.txt | awk -F".tar.bz2" '{print $1}' | awk -F"-" '{print $3}') filenames_cli=() filenames_gui=() get_filename(){ line=$1 the_line=($line) length="${#the_line[@]}" ((length-=1)) filename="${the_line[$length]}" echo "${filename}" } # expects cli files between lines 2-14 and gui 15-19 (comments do not count, 1st line = 0) # to add a new file to the cli, $num must be -gt 1 and -lt 16. # gui $num is now -gt 15 and -lt 21 (new line has been added above) # a new gui file will only increase the -lt number by 1 # changes to extensions / new files must be reflected in the cli_files / gui_files lists below num=0 for line in "${lines[@]}"; do if [ $num -gt 1 ] && [ $num -lt 15 ] ; then #CLI filename=$(get_filename "${line}") filenames_cli+=("${filename}") elif [ $num -gt 14 ] && [ $num -lt 21 ] ; then #GUI filename=$(get_filename "${line}") filenames_gui+=("${filename}") fi ((num+=1)) done # edit/add/remove filenames below cli_files=(\ "monero-android-armv7-${version_cli}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-android-armv8-${version_cli}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-freebsd-x64-${version_cli}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-linux-armv7-${version_cli}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-linux-armv8-${version_cli}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-linux-riscv64-${version_cli}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-linux-x64-${version_cli}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-linux-x86-${version_cli}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-mac-armv8-${version_cli}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-mac-x64-${version_cli}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-win-x64-${version_cli}.zip" \ "monero-win-x86-${version_cli}.zip" \ "monero-source-${version_cli}.tar.bz2") gui_files=(\ "monero-gui-install-win-x64-${version_gui}.exe" \ "monero-gui-linux-x64-${version_gui}.tar.bz2" \ "monero-gui-mac-x64-${version_gui}.dmg" \ "monero-gui-mac-armv8-${version_gui}.dmg" \ "monero-gui-win-x64-${version_gui}.zip" \ "monero-gui-source-${version_gui}.tar.bz2") check_filenames(){ local -n file_list=$1 local -n hardcoded=$2 for f in "${file_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${hardcoded[*]}" =~ "${f}" ]]; then echo "Filename OK: ${f}" else echo "Filename BAD: ${f}" exit 1 fi done } check_filenames filenames_cli cli_files check_filenames filenames_gui gui_files - name: Download releases run: | for file in $(awk '/monero-/ {print $2}' downloads/hashes.txt); do [ -f $file ] && continue echo Downloading $file... dir=cli if [[ $file =~ gui ]]; then dir=gui fi url=https://dlsrc.getmonero.org/${dir}/${file} curl -sLO $url done - name: Verify hashes.txt hashes run: | grep monero- downloads/hashes.txt | sha256sum -c - name: Verify downloads.yml hashes run: | yq -r '.[] | .[0].downloads[] | "\(.link)|\(.hash)"' _data/downloads.yml | grep -v github | while read line; do [ -z "$line" ] && continue url=$(echo $line | cut -d'|' -f1) hash=$(echo $line | cut -d'|' -f2) filename= case $url in *gui/win64install) filename=monero-gui-install-win-x64 ;; *gui/win64) filename=monero-gui-win-x64 ;; *gui/mac64) filename=monero-gui-mac-x64 ;; *gui/macarm8) filename=monero-gui-mac-armv8 ;; *gui/linux64) filename=monero-gui-linux-x64 ;; *gui/source) filename=monero-gui-source ;; *cli/win64) filename=monero-win-x64 ;; *cli/win32) filename=monero-win-x86 ;; *cli/mac64) filename=monero-mac-x64 ;; *cli/macarm8) filename=monero-mac-armv8 ;; *cli/linux64) filename=monero-linux-x64 ;; *cli/linux32) filename=monero-linux-x86 ;; *cli/linuxarm8) filename=monero-linux-armv8 ;; *cli/linuxarm7) filename=monero-linux-armv7 ;; *cli/linuxrisc64) filename=monero-linux-riscv64 ;; *cli/androidarm8) filename=monero-android-armv8 ;; *cli/androidarm7) filename=monero-android-armv7 ;; *cli/freebsd64) filename=monero-freebsd-x64 ;; *cli/source) filename=monero-source ;; *) echo "Unknown url $url" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac filename=$(awk "/${filename}/ {print \$2}" downloads/hashes.txt) echo "$hash $filename" | sha256sum -c done - name: Validate source integrity run: | version_gui=$(awk '/monero-gui-source-v/ {print $2}' downloads/hashes.txt | awk -F".tar.bz2" '{print $1}' | awk -F"-" '{print $4}') version_cli=$(awk '/monero-source-v/ {print $2}' downloads/hashes.txt | awk -F".tar.bz2" '{print $1}' | awk -F"-" '{print $3}') echo -e "\n--> GUI version: $version_gui \n--> CLI version: $version_cli" mkdir validate_sources cd validate_sources # Download / verify git-archive-all.sh curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fabacab/git-archive-all.sh/fc86194f00b678438f9210859597f6eead28e765/git-archive-all.sh echo "db62e9a824866989c9d080f008ec06d81421cf94bed3762acba3b9148607af2d git-archive-all.sh" | sha256sum -c chmod +x git-archive-all.sh echo -e "--> Generating tarballs..." # CLI git clone --recursive -b $version_cli --depth 1 --shallow-submodule https://github.com/monero-project/monero.git monero.git && cd monero.git && ../git-archive-all.sh --prefix monero-source-${version_cli}/ --format tar --tree-ish $version_cli ../monero-source-${version_cli}.tar && cd .. && bzip2 monero-source-${version_cli}.tar # GUI git clone --recursive -b $version_gui --depth 1 --shallow-submodule https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui.git monero-gui.git && cd monero-gui.git && ../git-archive-all.sh --prefix monero-gui-source-${version_gui}/ --format tar --tree-ish $version_gui ../monero-gui-source-${version_gui}.tar && cd .. && bzip2 monero-gui-source-${version_gui}.tar mkdir yours cp monero-gui-source-${version_gui}.tar.bz2 yours/. cp monero-source-${version_cli}.tar.bz2 yours/. mkdir from_website echo -e "\n--> Move tarballs from getmonero..." mv ../monero-gui-source-${version_gui}.tar.bz2 from_website/. mv ../monero-source-${version_cli}.tar.bz2 from_website/. echo -e "\n--> Unpacking all..." bunzip2 yours/*.bz2 bunzip2 from_website/*.bz2 tar xf yours/monero-source-${version_cli}.tar -C yours/ tar xf yours/monero-gui-source-${version_gui}.tar -C yours/ tar xf from_website/monero-source-${version_cli}.tar -C from_website/ tar xf from_website/monero-gui-source-${version_gui}.tar -C from_website # Compare directories echo -e "\n--> Comparing CLI directories" diff -r yours/monero-source-$version_cli from_website/monero-source-$version_cli echo -e "\n--> Comparing GUI directories" diff -r yours/monero-gui-source-$version_gui from_website/monero-gui-source-$version_gui