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synced 2025-02-25 20:35:23 +02:00
wallet2: speedup refresh a bit
Use the NoodleDoodle threading technique to speedup a couple code blocks on the main path when refreshing blocks without any transactions for us.
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,6 +68,13 @@ using namespace cryptonote;
// arbitrary, used to generate different hashes from the same input
#define CHACHA8_KEY_TAIL 0x8c
#define KILL_IOSERVICE() \
do { \
work.reset(); \
threadpool.join_all(); \
ioservice.stop(); \
} while(0)
void do_prepare_file_names(const std::string& file_path, std::string& keys_file, std::string& wallet_file)
@ -148,6 +155,25 @@ bool wallet2::is_deprecated() const
return is_old_file_format;
void wallet2::check_acc_out(const account_keys &acc, const tx_out &o, const crypto::public_key &tx_pub_key, size_t i, uint64_t &money_transfered, bool &error) const
if (o.target.type() != typeid(txout_to_key))
error = true;
LOG_ERROR("wrong type id in transaction out");
if(is_out_to_acc(acc, boost::get<txout_to_key>(o.target), tx_pub_key, i))
money_transfered = o.amount;
money_transfered = 0;
error = false;
void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t height)
process_unconfirmed(tx, height);
@ -175,7 +201,48 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_
tx_pub_key = pub_key_field.pub_key;
bool r = lookup_acc_outs(m_account.get_keys(), tx, tx_pub_key, outs, tx_money_got_in_outs);
bool r = true;
int threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
if (threads > 1)
boost::asio::io_service ioservice;
boost::thread_group threadpool;
std::auto_ptr < boost::asio::io_service::work > work(new boost::asio::io_service::work(ioservice));
for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++)
threadpool.create_thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &ioservice));
const account_keys &keys = m_account.get_keys();
uint64_t *money_transfered = new uint64_t[tx.vout.size()];
bool *error = new bool[tx.vout.size()];
for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i)
ioservice.dispatch(boost::bind(&wallet2::check_acc_out, this, std::cref(keys), std::cref(tx.vout[i]), std::cref(tx_pub_key), i,
std::ref(money_transfered[i]), std::ref(error[i])));
tx_money_got_in_outs = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i)
if (error[i])
r = false;
if (money_transfered[i])
tx_money_got_in_outs += money_transfered[i];
delete[] error;
delete[] money_transfered;
r = lookup_acc_outs(m_account.get_keys(), tx, tx_pub_key, outs, tx_money_got_in_outs);
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::acc_outs_lookup_error, tx, tx_pub_key, m_account.get_keys());
if(!outs.empty() && tx_money_got_in_outs)
@ -320,7 +387,7 @@ void wallet2::process_outgoing(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, uint64_t heigh
ctd.m_block_height = height;
void wallet2::process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, cryptonote::block_complete_entry& bche, crypto::hash& bl_id, uint64_t height)
void wallet2::process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, const cryptonote::block_complete_entry& bche, const crypto::hash& bl_id, uint64_t height)
//handle transactions from new block
@ -379,6 +446,13 @@ void wallet2::get_short_chain_history(std::list<crypto::hash>& ids) const
void wallet2::parse_block_round(const cryptonote::blobdata &blob, cryptonote::block &bl, crypto::hash &bl_id, bool &error) const
error = !cryptonote::parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(blob, bl);
if (!error)
bl_id = get_block_hash(bl);
void wallet2::pull_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t& blocks_added)
blocks_added = 0;
@ -392,6 +466,77 @@ void wallet2::pull_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t& blocks_added)
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_blocks_error, res.status);
size_t current_index = res.start_height;
int threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
if (threads > 1)
crypto::hash *round_block_hashes = new crypto::hash[threads];
cryptonote::block *round_blocks = new cryptonote::block[threads];
bool *error = new bool[threads];
const std::list<block_complete_entry> &blocks = res.blocks;
size_t blocks_size = blocks.size();
std::list<block_complete_entry>::const_iterator blocki = blocks.begin();
for (size_t b = 0; b < blocks_size; b += threads)
size_t round_size = std::min((size_t)threads, blocks_size - b);
boost::asio::io_service ioservice;
boost::thread_group threadpool;
std::auto_ptr < boost::asio::io_service::work > work(new boost::asio::io_service::work(ioservice));
for (size_t i = 0; i < round_size; i++)
threadpool.create_thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &ioservice));
std::list<block_complete_entry>::const_iterator tmpblocki = blocki;
for (size_t i = 0; i < round_size; ++i)
ioservice.dispatch(boost::bind(&wallet2::parse_block_round, this, std::cref(tmpblocki->block),
std::ref(round_blocks[i]), std::ref(round_block_hashes[i]), std::ref(error[i])));
tmpblocki = blocki;
for (size_t i = 0; i < round_size; ++i)
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(error[i], error::block_parse_error, tmpblocki->block);
for (size_t i = 0; i < round_size; ++i)
const crypto::hash &bl_id = round_block_hashes[i];
cryptonote::block &bl = round_blocks[i];
if(current_index >= m_blockchain.size())
process_new_blockchain_entry(bl, *blocki, bl_id, current_index);
else if(bl_id != m_blockchain[current_index])
//split detected here !!!
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(current_index == start_height, error::wallet_internal_error,
"wrong daemon response: split starts from the first block in response " + string_tools::pod_to_hex(bl_id) +
" (height " + std::to_string(start_height) + "), local block id at this height: " +
process_new_blockchain_entry(bl, *blocki, bl_id, current_index);
LOG_PRINT_L2("Block is already in blockchain: " << string_tools::pod_to_hex(bl_id));
delete[] error;
delete[] round_blocks;
delete[] round_block_hashes;
BOOST_FOREACH(auto& bl_entry, res.blocks)
cryptonote::block bl;
@ -422,6 +567,7 @@ void wallet2::pull_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t& blocks_added)
void wallet2::refresh()
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ namespace tools
void load_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const std::string& password);
void process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t height);
void process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, cryptonote::block_complete_entry& bche, crypto::hash& bl_id, uint64_t height);
void process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, const cryptonote::block_complete_entry& bche, const crypto::hash& bl_id, uint64_t height);
void detach_blockchain(uint64_t height);
void get_short_chain_history(std::list<crypto::hash>& ids) const;
bool is_tx_spendtime_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time) const;
@ -353,6 +353,8 @@ namespace tools
void check_genesis(const crypto::hash& genesis_hash) const; //throws
bool generate_chacha8_key_from_secret_keys(crypto::chacha8_key &key) const;
crypto::hash get_payment_id(const pending_tx &ptx) const;
void check_acc_out(const cryptonote::account_keys &acc, const cryptonote::tx_out &o, const crypto::public_key &tx_pub_key, size_t i, uint64_t &money_transfered, bool &error) const;
void parse_block_round(const cryptonote::blobdata &blob, cryptonote::block &bl, crypto::hash &bl_id, bool &error) const;
cryptonote::account_base m_account;
std::string m_daemon_address;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user