This new approach doesn't require version numbers and make easier for contributors to understand the status of the document. There are only 3 states: - Outdated: The page is outdated and might not work as expected - Untranslated: The page needs to be translated - Translation outdated: The page is translated, but the original (English) document has been updated To mark a guide as outdated, we change the boolean of the front matter entry 'outdated' in /resources/user-guides/GUIDE. If 'False', the guide is updated. If 'True' all versions of the guide (English included) will show a warning at the bottom of the page. The other 2 states are related to the status of the translated pages and we control them from the language-specific user guides: /_i18n/LANG/resources/user-guides/GUIDE. At the top of the page a snippet will include 2 parameters: - translated: "yes" if the page is translated, "no" if it's not. - translationOutdated: "yes" if the translation is outdated, "no" if it's not This new system aims to be simpler than the precedent, avoiding to compare versioning numbers and using a higher level system instead (yes, no, True, False). I also removed the middle way status 'only minor changes', because if there are only minor changes that don't affect the usability of the guide, we don't need to point it out. The old system was complex and people didn't use it. These changes will hopefully make things easier for translators and other contributors.
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{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
es el software daemon que viene con el árbol de Monero. Es un programa de consola, y administra la blockchain. Mientras bitcoin administra tanto cuenta como blockchain, Monero lo separa en: monerod
se encarga de la blockchain, y monero-wallet-cli
de la cuenta.
Esta guía asume que ya has preparado una cuenta VPS y que estás utilizando SSH para dirigirte a la consola del servidor.
Linux, 64-bit (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
Asegúrate de que el puerto 18080 está abierto
usa este puerto para comunicarse con otros nodos en la red de Monero.
Ejemplo si se usa ufw
: sudo ufw allow 18080
Ejemplo si se usa iptables
: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 18080 -j ACCEPT
Descarga los binarios actuales Monero
wget https://downloads.getmonero.org/linux64
Haz un directorio y extrae los archivos.
mkdir monero
tar -xjvf linux64 -C monero
Abre el daemon
cd monero
Muestra la lista de todas las opciones y ajustes:
./monerod --help
Abre el daemon como un proceso de segundo plano:
./monerod --detach
Monitorea la salida de monerod
si se ejecuta como daemon:
tail -f ~/.bitmonero/bitmonero.log
Mantén el VPS seguro con autoactualizaciones: