monero-site/knowledge-base/user-guides/how to create a view only

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static_page Creating a view only wallet Creating a view only wallet on Ubuntu purple-kicks icon_userguides <!-- Icon is based on work by Freepik ( and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->

Operating Systems: Ubuntu

Note : In order to create a viewonly wallet you need first to compile the last source available on Github as this functionality is not yet included in the official binaries (Sept. 2015).

  • To create a view only wallet you will need to first create a "normal" wallet and get the associated viewkey and address. You can get them once logged in simplewallet by typing "viewkey" and "address". Note each of them carefully and exit simplewallet.

  • Launch a new instance of simplewallet by typing "./simplewallet --generate-from-view-key yourViewKey:yourAddress:nameOfTheViewOnlyWallet" where youViewKey is the view key you got from step 1 and yourAddress the associated address. The last part of the command is the name you want to give to you view only portfolio.

  • Follow the instructions from the terminal. To see the balance of your portfolio type "refresh" (bitmonerod need to be synchronised with the network first).

  • You now have a view only wallet.